Chapter 49. Cadmus

Once I gave my boys to their mymother pulled me back in my office. I instantly knew what was coming up my way .

"Mom, I'm glad that you're generous enough to forgive and forget so easily, but apparently you didn't do a good enough job raising me because I don't feel the same. I will never forgive Diana for what she did, not even if I live to be a hundred."

"You and your father, stubborn jackasses who always have to do things the hard way until you fall flat on your ass. Now you listen to me. My grandsons deserves to be raised in a happy home with both parents."

"There's nothing that says I can't find someone else." The thought is repulsive, but she doesn't need to know that.

"You do that, and I'll make sure Diana wins custody. She loves the twins; you can see how well she's cared for them. There is no reason to take the children away from their mother, and I'd like to know which one of those sharp twits you call friends and acquaintances you think is good enough to take her place as their mom. Are you trying to stress me?"

"You'd really do that? Help her fight me for custody?"

"Unless you get your head out of your ass and fight for your family, yes. I've already told you, if you don't find out what happened, I most certainly will. I was willing to leave it alone before, even though I didn't agree with you. It's your life, and you're an adult. But my grandsons deserves better than a sulking jackass for a father."

She got to her feet in high angry tone, and I didn't even get the chance to tell her that I was already leaning towards doing what she'd suggested before she stormed out. Damn woman knows when to act up. Every other time she's as sweet as pie, but when she doesn't get her way with one of her causes, there's hell to pay, and dad and I are usually the ones bearing the brunt whether we had anything to do with it or not.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I rested my head back against the chair. If mom knew that I already had a team of people looking into Diana's past and was already trying to find answers because I too find it strange that she'd never touched the money and had, in fact, not taken anything of value that I'd given her, Mom would have an officiant at my door, and my ass would be married again