A commotion - Lose Consciousness

I regret it...I regret everything I've done how am I supposed to face her family right now I wanna go home no it cannot be...is this...what Ivan said last year...no...ha...I'm tired...I'm sorry...for everything...I create such a commotion here...


A few months ago before Naoko went to France to to start college Kaiyo's

father died in a disease which is Brain cancer that she inherited. The type of brain cancer he has is Glioblastoma, an aggressive type that can occur in the brain or spinal cord. It forms from cells called astrocytes that support nerve cells. Glioblastoma can occur at any age, but tends to occur more often in older adults. Hence, Kaiyou can be in danger any time, so she needs to stay still before she feels unsteady. Hopefully, in these years when she's with Naoko she just feels exhausted, headaches and muscle weakness. As it happens when she is having an memory loss or confusion at the middle of socializing or associating with Naoko or numerous of people she picks up her phone or Naoko will call her mom to arranged medicines because of the effects of Glioblastoma, nevertheless, whenever Kaiyou told him to call her mom she always say..

" Tell my mom that she must arrange things once I get back there..."

" Okay "

Then, as soon as he said like what she does, her mom always response

" No worries, I'll handle it right away. "

Naoko gets to attend the funeral along with his parents and Yuki [ crying ], whenever he tries to ask Kaiyou, Ivan or even Noah. They just say "....a disease...don't try to ask about it anymore. " They don't want him to get involved in their privacy, even so. It's been bothering him up until now even though he finally gets to college in France . He remembered the day of New Year's Eve conversely Ivan spoke to him.

Suddenly I remember...

" You'll know one day.... " [ irritating ] for the time being he was chopping vegetables for an afternoon snack with Kaiyou . [ bothered ] It's troublesome for him from the following days moreover when he's in France. They'd graduate in the month of March, Kaiyou thought she had free time to spare to go bonding with Naoko. Yet, Naoko needs to be in France for the time being to communicate with French people. That's why he needs to stay there to be familiar with places as well as their language. However, in France; college starts in September so he just goes back and forth while waiting for the university to start.

" It's tiring going here and there..."

[ sighed ]

[ chopped ] Naoko's now adding all the ingredients and placing it all.

[ knicks ] " Ojama shimasu...."

"Ah! Kaiyou just in time! " Astonished. He was placing the plates and hamburger on the table.

" Long time no see Naoko Darling! " she let go of her bag then ran off and embraced him tightly.

[ steps ] " Wow you make these?" [ jumps ]

" Yeah I made hamburgers since I learnt it when I was away..how is college here?"

" Kinda boring but I can catch up...you?"

" well...in France it's fine I made a few friends there but language hahaha....."

" But you can speak French right?"

" Yeah.....but when it comes to knowing rules and culture it might be difficult.."

"You might be forgetting me huh?"

" No that's not it" Even when he was studying in France being familiarized with stuff he misses her and his family.

" It's getting a little bit uncomfortable but I'm getting used to it now....don't worry after graduating I'll return home here for sure because dad said I'll be the next successor of the company....sheese...."

" Wait, how about Brother Yuki isn't he to be the next?"

" Well he said he'd given up by reason of choosing the course of Law.."

" So you'd take business?"

" Yeah...but even so I'd like to be a soloist..you play too right"

" oh yeah I remember we'd entered a competition. What is it again?"

" Menuhin Competition" [sigh]

" Geeze we were too young at that time...."

" I just got second place then you got first place in the Violin competition.....do you still know how to play piano? I bet you're not practicing while I was away.."

" Hey I practiced but you know I have other classes to attend....." [lowers voice] she felt a little bit ashamed because she didn't practice.

" That's not excuse.....you need time management" [nags]

" Eh..." [speechless]

" Once I came back I want you to play 8 pieces that means you gotta practice all of them "

" Okay...?Sir, perfect pitch?!" [annoyed]

" I knew you would say that is that all?" [roasted]

"....." she was too stunned to speak, she just continued eating and moved her head away.

" I'm going back to France maybe in two weeks...."

" That may be too early! your body must be sore..."

"No, I'm fine. I have had a lot of rest since I came back home."

"hmm...is that so? let me massage you"

" Ah Ah no need....hey wait we just ate...."


While enjoying their time he wants to ask her about the thing Ivan said to him and all what happened to their father . It's difficult to find a perfect time of accuracy because Kaiyou was in a good mood and all moreover she missed him and wanted to spend the time with her, yet he'd still asked her out what is the meaning behind it before it's too late. "Kaiyou...I have a serious question...before it's too late I wanna know...why Ivan said last time to me....that you're having a disease..."

[stunned] " ...how'd you-"

Having a word with herself....

Might be this is the time I will give an explanation of my unrevealed secret all these years....I can't just sit here and respond quietly before....it's...

"...." she couldn't speak and he pushed his anger and slammed the fork to the table. It was a misunderstanding that she's playing his heart just to be happy yet it's not it.

" Why aren't you saying something? "

" I'm sorry....the reason why my dad died is because of brain cancer which is why I inherited his disease....I wanted to tell you sometime a long time ago... but I can't.... I'm afraid of you being lonely.."

[cries] "It's...you don't know how hard it is for me to explain and tell you everything before it's too late!" [shouts]

" It's not that hard- no it's not... when you can act like you're being okay! I asked you if you're doing fine back then and you said 'nothing'?! you said 'I'm fine' how am I supposed to believe that what a lie-"

" As Brother Ivan said it's true it was a warning to me when I was a kid, I do all the work so my dream can finally come true and tell you that I'm going to die soon! "

" Die.... Die.... no... how could you say something dangerous-" [furious] " Explain it to me...before you say such a word like dying..." he calms down and sits down so she cannot be pressured or feeling uneasy.

"My..father died because of brain cancer which passed to me. I, the daughter of Shinomiya inherits father's disease that type is Glioblastoma...I- I intentionally wanted to tell you...before in some other time but looking at you...being pleased when you are with me..just how I am supposed to directly tell you these...."

" I...I'm sorry for pressuring you just to tell me.....sorry for being mad in the first place..."

" I understand how you feel...yet it is true any time by now I can be hospitalized.."

" The reason behind when you sometimes let me call your mom is that it..?"

" I apologize..." [bows]

" Kaiyo...don't do that!" [downs]

" Because of my disease...I'm no longer be with you.....I asked God if he would give me several years to live so I can make you mine and be happy...." [smiles bashly]

" I wanted to show you I'm strong even I have brain tumor.....I saved you back then....yet I was exhausted and unable to move that whole night I was lucky my mom is a Neurologist doctor...so whenever I feel the effects...she cured me...but I don't know when will it last..." [panting]

" Even so....you...manage to get me....you did love me huh?....Kaiyo...will you ever survive until we graduate?"

" ....I completely don't know....now that we've tackled and revealed my secrecy may I...close my eyes I'm now feeling...muscle weakness...I cannot control my limbs...and every....thi-" She stops panting and loses consciousness.

" Kaiyo? Kaiyo? What's the matter, you have a fever! " [panicking] " I must call mom right now.."

[Ringing] "yes! yes! That angle is correct..." [turns] " Naoko-kun long time no see what's the date with-" She released the ribbon she was holding and was shocked by what she heard " Mom! Kaiyo fainted and had a high fever. She's sweating! I'm going there now!" [hurried]

He hurriedly prepared the car and carried her there . He told Yuki to stay at the mansion where he was so he could watch over.


They've arrived at the residence and servants opens the gate then dash forward the car

" Oh my goodness Kaiyo...." Anastasia, her mom, cannot even call her Malishka from her figure right now; she looked pale, her lips turned dry and purple, her skin happens to be cold and so clammy. While Naoko was putting her on the bed softly he couldn't bear but to cry, he couldn't do anything to save her from the very beginning and to an end there's nothing they could do but to accept that it is time to prepare themselves for the best.

" My poor daughter....after Tomio died...it comes to an end for her.."

" Will she be okay?" [worries]

[inspecting] " When she was in middle school she gets to be so weak all throughout even she's Taekwondo player and all....she cannot stand the effects of glioblastoma...she happens to be hospitalized for a month along with recovery..I'm her doctor and a mother so there will be no problem...yet seeing her suffer like her father when we're in thirty years of age then pass a few months ago..." [sniff sniff]

" ....I'm really sorry to hear that...." [grip]

" It's not your fault Naoko-kun...even our family is not at fault , it just happened to be...."

"....I also get mad at her earlier...but quickly intended to calm down because that is not how I used to be...I apologize sincerely....." [bows]

While apologizing again and again she was just relieved that she has no injuries, Naoko really has patience.

" It turns out... we really trusted you, we're the ones who need to say sorry and on behalf of her father because we were all afraid of what will happen to you after we all lost her..."

To be fair they were both sorry at the end. " You just sit there and I will call those two"

" Sh-shall I call them for you....I can't just sit down here and do nothing..." [looks down] "Okay if you insist...."


" Kaiyo-chan!" [runs]

" Kaiyo..."[sniff] " Naoko what happened here what's with the commotion!?"

" You two stand back, you already know what's going on here.." Anastasia confronts them with a serious look on her face.

" So? you knew it already I told you it wasn't a joke.." [glare]

" I didn't even laugh before...I'm just confused at that time..."

" Well that being said...are you ready?"

" I'll bear it....." he's being considerate and no matter what happens he will stay by her side.

He cancels his flight to France and tells his parents all what happened, therefore, Anastasia said they'll go to the main hospital to use the needed equipment.


At the hospital near the residence..

The nurses and other doctors came to see and inspect her body and the glioblastoma is spreading. It grows fast and spreads quickly. The doctor said she needs to have the surgery by now but Anastasia said she'll be needing treatment first before proceeding to such a tasky work Not to mention Kaiyo needs to wake up just for once so they can be sure and make a test. Eventually, Kaiyo wakes up. She was on the hospital bed [yawn] "uwah..." she wanted to stretch, however, she has needles on her so she can't move freely.

" Kaiyou! just move lightly..." [cares]

She looked at her hands and shoulders and she just realized she's in the hospital room.

Doctor Shinomiya came,

" Malishka...the effects spread all over your body.. "

" Why is that happening.. "

"You've overstrained yourself and.. we need you to get surgery for the next two days.."

"..... where's Naoko.." [cold]

" He is outside.. he can't come in because he feels sorry.. "

"... what a pity.. let him in tell him I said..." [raised]

As her mom goes outside the room and tells him to come in, he is still hesitating from trauma and fear.

"...." As he stands up and walks towards the front door.

[knocks] "I'm coming in..."

" Naoko!" with a delighted smile to show that she is fully fine. She reached her hands to him for Naoko to embrace her. Yet, he feels regretful all over.

" Why.. don't you come closer?"

" I... I feel I can't... " holding his grip and lowering his head down.

" Don't you wanna touch me?... because you're worried? "


"I don't wanna ask why? again...."

".... go on" [insisted]

"Why didn't you tell me? In the first place I need to clear things up..."

"I'll be honest...it's not that I'm afraid.. It's because I'll die sooner or later and if I left you alone..."

"...And even if it's going to take place at least you informed me... you said it so late.."

"...." Kaiyo had nothing to say but she smiled bashly and tried to speak up.


" Miyazono Naoko... the man I know for being a free-spirited personality. A straightforward with his thoughts... making me feel safe and all... you never displeased or made me uncomfortable with your greatness...so I have biggest thanks to you..so... go on.. without me... you'll reach the future without me..." [reaches]

She reached his face and wanted to have their last kiss.

"Kaiyo...." he cannot resist and takes it anymore, Naoko steps towards her and embraces her gently.

"Darling... I wanna sit on the window. Will you carry me?"

[nods] He carried her and put her down on the window. Naoko supported her back so she would not fall from the back.

" Is there anything you would like me to do... " [considerately]

Kaiyou was in deeply thought and said "Want to commit double suicide with me?" She has nothing else to request but committing dangerous things.

"... can we?"

"Yes we can do it right now" [nods]

" But we can't.. leaving you from behind makes feel guilty.. yet even I wanted to, like you said I have a long way to go... " [guilty]

" Hmm.... " [nods] "Seems like you're ready then.. I'll be in surgery in two days.." She's satisfied enough when Naoko chooses to live but when she does die of course she will not be able to talk with him when he's in despair.

" Naoko... " She puts her hand gently on his face and kissed him softly as their last and final memory they will have. While she was kissing him her tears drop and cannot stop it Kaiyou let her tears drop and let it dry. From inside, she's feeling the pain from the effects of Glioblastoma. She knew this would happen but chose to wrap her shoulders and hands to his shoulders and neck, without being on heat. Naoko passionately kissed her as if your souls were connected and your hearts were overlapping.

She cannot bear the pain, then drops her head down to his chest and Naoko feels very guilty and tedious.

" Where were you on the day of surgery?" [softly]

"... I'm arranging my schedule..."

" Will you see me off before I go in? "... I wanted to.. but we'll see.."

Naoko has already arranged his schedule for his flight to France. He's hesitating and doesn't want to go.

" I have my flight after the day you had an operation... "

"... I told you it's too early"

" I know I know but my responsibility as a student even you.." [pokes]

" Haha...even if you're sad you still know how to poke a patient.."


" I'm just trying to look cool in front of you... " [shy]

" At the time like you you're such a sly like a fox!" [bash]

"...." [blush].

While they'd try to get along even though they're sad inside they showed happiness to their faces.


Two days later, the surgery is now in process. Naoko see's her off and waves at her carrying a sweet smile but worried, meanwhile Kaiyou nods on him and turns the hospital bed to the operation.

He plans to go to the airport and cancels his flight so when he does, he goes back to the hospital.

Anastasia as a doctor and a mom was very careful even if she's a patient Kaiyou. Her daughter doesn't want to end up like her father Tomio who didn't wake up then just died and never had a surgery.



He drove back to the hospital and saw Baron and his squad standing there quietly and it seemed like they're waiting for someone out there. They looked so down like they were depressed and anxious. So then, Naoko confronts them with a scowled look on his face.

[Grip] "Why are you guys here?"

" We... " His member looked down and glanced at Baron with a trembling voice and sweaty hands.

[sigh] Baron cannot take the quiet atmosphere so he sneaked up.

" We're here because I heard from our schoolmates from high school that the Young Lady of Shinomiya is... here... "

"So.. what brings you here?" [more confused]

" I... we wanted to apologize since we got out of jail last year.. and couldn't get in contact with you.. I asked the girls last time however they didn't get you number...so it's hard to find a way.." [explained]

" She's in the middle of an operation so if you want.. you wait for plenty of hours... "

" We'll wait.. right Broz" [nods]

"Yes... we will..." They nod while their heads are down.

" Let's go inside and have a break I just had my flight canceled due to Kaiyou I need to be here.. "

They understand the situation quickly and Naoko leads the way to the VIP guest room.

To be Continued....