The room was quiet, and the only light was illuminated from the fire in the chimney.

On the chair in front of the fire, sat a man holding a glass of red wine. He drank more and more, lost in deep thought, his light blue eyes staring into the fire intensely as if the fire described himself, burning everything put into it, rage being the fuel to the fire.

He was interrupted from his thoughts as the door behind him burst open and the fire was disrupted. The sparks from the fire flew around the room, some landing on the man's hand, but he didn't react, and gazed into the fire, without blinking.

Camara bowed to the prince, although his back was faced to her and he couldn't see her.

"Prince Drake, I have some very bad news," Camara said to him. He kept on drinking the red wine, and with a wave of his hand, told her to go on.

"It's Princess Liferia. She has run away to the mortal world."

He said nothing, but clenched so hard, the glass shattered in his hand, and the red wine dripped onto the floor. Camara winced at the sight, unsure if the red liquid on the prince's hand was the wine or his blood.

"This time the princess won't escape, she'll stay in front of my eyes the whole time."

"But sir..." Camara tried to protest, to tell him the King in their opposing kingdom wouldn't be fine with the idea, but the prince had already finished talking and barged out of the room leaving Camara standing there, worried. The servants came inside and started cleaning the broken glass and the spilled wine.

This time, the princess of the Good Souls really made him angry, and though he won't hurt her, she won't be able to escape next time.