birth of an organization (2/7): the preparations

A week ago I teleported to a neighborhood of Hosu with a purpose for the future, a robbery of a company creating gadgets of heroes, I needed the materials and plans of devices so that Melisa can recreate them.

Instead, I also wanted to get the materials for an experiment that I had them do, a machine which allows a person to be injected with a new mind which will practically allow me a way to ensure that I have loyal subordinates.

The torture I did is temporary, the orders work for a while, but after a while the effects wear off, I checked with the heroin that after a week of my control she began to question my orders, for which I made everyone have a torture every five days as a solution.

But when I told her I wanted to do it to Melisa she told me that I could do it if I had the necessary materials, while planning the robbery in the afternoons and nights, in the mornings I was in a junkyard which allowed her to create the machine, but with the disadvantage that after about seven uses it would break.

For which I already had the image of this robbery, I had to plan to obtain two peculiarities for this purpose, in addition to some peculiarities for some specific cases, I also had to use the rehabilitation serum that makes people loyal to me.

I made my organization have a single purpose to have freedom over anything, so the brainwashing practically made them akin to me and now they see me as a leader, I took an organization similar to that of akatsuki, a group of people who had a special power that made them very strong.

Capture more than 60 people to keep them as permanent members at the base of the mountain an abandoned building I had planned to improve the stay there, but currently it is a secondary purpose, my main objective is currently to create the internal structure of the organization and a group of spies people I found to brainwash them, but with the purpose of keeping them as spies in the ua and shiketsu the most important schools of heroes the two organizations that will allow me to obtain useful information, in addition I also got a hero for the future.

The only problem is that the people I select are one or two years older than the people in the main cast so I decided to choose two people to a member of the 1-ay mei hatsume to fulfill that purpose, in fact, I used the two serums remaining in them.

I kidnapped and brainwashed them, currently the member of 1-a trains her peculiarity to have a 100% probability of entering that class and she helped me create a gas that would drive people crazy and with ideas to fight.

The robbery plan is simple at night I will release the gas in the neighborhood near the target and form a scandal which will allow me to enter the warehouse with the greatest possible discretion, this is the last step to form my group, "liberation"