the other side (1/10): the sweet cat, the doorman and the great mother

I was in a basement of an abandoned building that I found looking for a refuge, a week ago I found civilization and saved that girl, for now all the money I found at the base has gone into furniture that I have distributed to buy things for this site.

I bought some wooden floors to replace them with the floor of this basement and repair the walls with good quality materials and then paint them black, the basement had two floors, but I do not have the space that I want so that later I will remodel the floors of the building above.

My father was a programmer, but he was a person who knew how to build a house, the knowledge of him helped me in this life to be able to live, well currently I don't have much.

I remodeled the first floor as a kitchen and a video game room, I made the kitchen to be able to make my favorite dishes despite being in Japan I have been able to get good ingredients, my mother chef was a very good teaching so I know how to do a lot dishes with a good taste, what I liked the most was the video game room. I managed to get some consoles at a good price in some places that I could find in a shopping center, the technology is the same as that of my old world in part of consoles so that I was able to get some retro consoles.

From play one to Xbox with very different games, although what I like the most is the three best consoles I got, a Nintendo switch with about three games, a play 4 pro and an Xbox series x, three consoles that I spend the same as the retro collection, I spent about 70% of the money on that, but hey I was also able to get a decent pc to play everything.

The rest of the money went to a room below, it was half the space of the one above, there I could place a decent room full of manga from this world which most heroes, although some may be good, I also got a good amount of clothes and food that left me with only 5% to survive about 6 months.

Although well let's focus, I was looking at the clues I have, I am in my hero academia with a quite powerful quirk so with training, which is something that I am used to doing, I can return to a good level of power.

I was also looking for information on the timeline so I can say that I am around 4 years with about 4 months or so, after that I looked for information about my colleagues.

We were 21 people there at that time so I need to locate them, but currently I need to find a way to earn money, I think I can rob the gangs to earn a good sum.

"I can't think like that nya" I said as my stomach was killing me, I needed an acceptable amount of food, I stood up looking for something to wear, I was in my pajamas at 3 in the afternoon.

I grabbed a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants and gray shoes, I put on a black hat, I grabbed a small backpack where I put my cell phone, keys and some money.

I started walking down the street using my En around me in an area of ​​10 meters as a protection measure if they tried to attack me.

I was whistling while walking to a store to buy an instant ramen, while I was walking I could see a group of people and a villain who was holding a girl hostage.

The girl had yellow hair, a white shirt, gray pants and black shoes, her eyes were looking for someone, her lips began to move, "I need help porta" I scream and that caused my iris to shrink.

I transformed into a 7 meter long white snake, that word was from one of my companions, my shape made the crowd separate in panic when someone saw me, I moved until I was a few meters from the villain who was looking at me with afraid.

"You are your friend" I said while the girl looked at me in disbelief, "I already told you not to call me that" said the girl, from the shadows came a boy with clothes like the girl and black hair, "is (good) find you "he said.

"Let's get her out of there first" I said to move my tail in the direction of the villain who received the blow and set the girl free, "follow me" she said to go to an alley, I moved with the black-haired while I returned to my form.