the other side (10/10): start of the four years

"You really think we can do this without using at least a part of my peculiarity nya" I said while walking with koukla to a school, "we need a high school degree if we want to enter UA so this school is the best, peculiarities tests are done to enter or keep the position, anyone can enter if they pass the exam "said koukla as we stopped at a gate that led to a large building in a large area.

There were a few people who also came to present the exam and a few people from the school staff, we approached a person with a teacher's suit, he was a tall man of about two meters, black hair and had horns in his hair, He was frowning a little.

"Sorry, but we came to present the entrance exam" Koukla said while gaining the attention of the teacher, "of course what is your name, age and peculiarity" said the man while looking at a form.

"My name is koukla, I am 11 years old and my peculiarity is selective connection" said koukla as I continued, "my name is glykiá, I am 11 years old and my peculiarity is gravity nya" I said remembering that koukla asked me to keep my true peculiarity in secret.

That's why I used a transformation ability that for now allows me to use two abilities or powers of a character, but the power should not be very complicated or use a special energy so we use two similar devil fruits to make a useful and powerful peculiarity .

"You may well pass, go to the main building there you will be guided to the first of the three tests" he said while we would have the gate to pass, we passed with other people to go to the main building.

"Stay relaxed, don't use the zushi unless it is very necessary" said koukla, "well I will use the other in extreme or very specific cases nya" I said as we reached the main building and entered a large lobby where I saw a lot of people prepared to take the exam talking to teachers.

We approached a white-haired woman who was giving directions to some boys, "good morning, they told us to come to do the first test" said koukla so that the girl would turn to see us, "of course if you can give me your name I can tell you her room to take the exam "she said as we told her our names.

"Well your room is E, it is in the back to the right" she said while pointing to the end of the corridor where two doors could be seen, "thank you nya" I said to go with koukla to the living room, "her peculiarity must be a type of telepathy, that's why I didn't need anything to verify our names, you just have to talk to a person who will tell you the people's rooms "said koukla analyzing the girl's quirk," that seems nya "I said to get to the door of the room and knock the door.

The door was opened by an athletic man of one meter eighty centimeters, he had black glasses and had intense red hair, "welcome you can come in, choose your seats, in about 15 minutes we can start the exam" he said to let us pass.

The room had 20 seats of which one 12 were occupied, we sat in some seats in the back together, we talked until everyone arrived and the teacher closed the room and took the exams from his desk.

"Well be quiet, everyone" said the teacher so that the room was complete, "we will begin the first step to evaluate them, the tests will be three: exam, physical and peculiarity tests and end with a special test that varies over the years" he said the teacher explaining the entrance tests.

"This test is the exam, it consists of 100 questions: 25 of mathematics, 25 of science, 25 of history and 25 of writing, it also has 25 of English that can answer to recover the other subjects, it takes a minimum of 70 to pass, But the best 30 scores will be taken into account to take 30% of what they will determine, if they get less than 70, regardless of the score and performance in the other tests, they will be eliminated ", he said, explaining the system of the first test.

"I am your examiner, my peculiarity is precise vision and it allows me to see in great detail everything that happens in front of my eyes, there are also sensors that allow detecting the use of peculiarities, to warn them that those who want to copy, if the copies will be eliminated immediately, they have one hour to take the exam so let's start now "he explained as he handed in the exams and finished handing in the last one at the same time as he finished his sentence.

We spent the time doing the exam which would be a bit complicated, Koukla finished it in 45 minutes and I in 50 minutes, in that time they detected six people who were fired immediately, when the time was up an alarm sounded that made the teacher collect all of them the exams.

"Well go to the field, if you don't know where a teacher is, you can give instructions" he said as he opened the door and we started to leave, while he saw the last child leave, he closed the door and went to his desk.

"Those boys almost none of them are able to enter except for three, the Kan boy who was here before with his friend Chiori, in addition to the red haired boy, he looked strong, although there may be surprises" he said to himself, "there were 1000 applicants and 440 left, leaving 560 "he said as he looked at the remaining people on a tablet.

While this was happening, I and Koukla arrived at the field thanks to a teacher, the field was a great place that had different things to do different physical tests, they made us settle on some steps so that some teachers could sit on a platform that allowed us all see them.

"Very well boys and girls, we will start with the second test: physical and peculiarity tests, we will do physical tests of the hundred-meter race, strength test, endurance race, ball throw and long jump, then we will continue with a test of peculiarity with test of strength, special situations and 1 on 1 confrontation "said a teacher through a microphone.They separated us into 10 groups of 56 people, they took us to the 100-meter test where it was a large 100-meter stretch that was divided into 15 lines, they chose groups of 15 and made them compete among themselves.

When I touched me with koukla, I could see several arrogant people making comments that showed their pride, I ignored everyone when I saw momo yaoyorozu so I know then this was her school before the ua.

They put us in line and then gave the starting order, koukla 16.70 seconds in sixth place, momo 16.53 seconds in fourth place and glykiá 5.21 seconds in first place.

When everyone came to the end they saw me with shock, "good job" said koukla approaching me, "surely I use his peculiarity", "he must have seen cheating" and "must be a cheater" said some people, this caused a bit of comments to me, "I don't use your quirk" said the teacher in charge of the test.

"Its peculiarity is seriousness, and if I had activated it I would have known it thanks to my peculiarity that allows me to see if a person activates his quirk" said the professor to stop the comments and continue with the tests.

The following tests were something similar, koukla strength test 43 kilograms position 31, momo 33 kilograms position 39, glykiá 89 kilograms position 7, that test I was passed by people with mutant peculiarities related to force.

Endurance race consisted of a race on a one hundred meter circuit and see in that time how many laps you can do, koukla 18 laps position 11, momo 12 laps position 21 and glykiá 51 laps position 1.

Throwing the ball they gave us a 5 kg ball, koukla 81 meters in position 8, momo 73 meters in position 13 and glykiá 157 meters in position 3, again I lost to people with better strength and technique.

And we finished with a long jump, koukla 4 meters in 23rd place, momo 5,5 meters in 11th place and glykiá 13,7 meters in place 2, winner of the first place a boy with a mutation of grasshoppers.

"Well guys follow me we will go to the site where we can evaluate your ability to peculiarity" said the teacher to start taking us to the site, "at least I was in some of the first 15" said koukla approaching me, "although that is our group nya , what matters is now is our peculiarity nya "I said so that we get to some machines.

"Hit the machine and it will drop a number, you have permission to use your peculiarity in this test" said the teacher, koukla hit and released 111 because his peculiarity is not related to strength

"Sensei I can change the position of the machine nya" I said gaining everyone's attention, "why" said the sensei, "my peculiarity allows me to manipulate gravity so I think the best way to use it is by changing the position of the machine. nya machine "I said for him to continue," I understand, continue as you see fit, it doesn't matter if you break the machine by the way "he said with a mocking tone.

Touch the machine by removing gravity to turn it face up, "what do you plan to do" said momo, "fuwa or levitate is the ability of your peculiarity, it allows you to alter the gravity of the objects to your liking, it is the possibility of canceling or manipulating the control that gravity has over an object, but it cannot use its power over living beings "said koukla explaining my supposed peculiarity.

"Big fall" I said while increasing the gravity in the machine making it start to increase the number until the gravity increases so much that I broke the machine and turned it into a scrap metal.

"Oops" I said when I saw how the machine was left "there is a penalty" Koukla said to the sensei, "not actually, but please avoid destroying more equipment" he said as he continued the test and we went to another.

We arrived at a track with multiple objects, there were three people in the center, the director and two teachers who would see what happens here, they gave us time to show what our peculiarity does, we went one by one until it was my turn.

"Let him show young glykiá" said the director, touch the ground and I made a part begin to levitate, to everyone's amazement, then I moved among all of them and touched them making it levitate.

"Your peculiarity did not affect living beings" said momo, "zushi or stomp is the evolution of your peculiarity, it allows you to control and emit gravitational force at will" said koukla to everyone's astonishment, "wake up" said momo with intrigue.

"We are all born with a special ability, known as Don, that makes us formidable superhumans. Among all the gifts there are people who have managed to take their Gift to a new evolutionary scale, a process known as "awakening". Genetically speaking, an "awakened" Gift is one that has managed to overcome the limits imposed by its own nature. This process is very rare, and it is certainly quite painful. The "awakening" of a Gift occurs when the user goes through a traumatic experience, whether produced by a physical or psychological discomfort. " Koukla explained the awakening of a peculiarity.

"It is the first time that I have heard something like this" said momo, "an awakened peculiarity is very rare and happens in extraordinary cases under extreme stress situations, so the cases are counted by the hand" said koukla.

After that I deactivated my peculiarity and returned everything to normal, after they gathered us all on the step and explained the fighting, they would take us to some fields where we will face random people.

They took me to a person from another group who did not know about my supposed awakening, it was a red haired boy who had a confident expression on his face.