It Came?

Tuesday,12 July

So the update to Arisen finally came on Monday,6 July. They said it would come later but I am not complaining. It got me two years to get to this stage and the final update came. Which means i can finally win the game (if possible). So I've been playing cautiously so I don't go back to the begining. I am on the last quest which is to kill the biggest monster the aliens own.

The Hypoplate it looks like a snake which has eyes everywhere. It is not just big but its about a half a kilometer long and two storys tall and around 20 meters thick.

It took about two days but i got there. I am one of the best in the game but its not a big achievement because the game isn't popular. It is because its very hard. Also the plot seems a bit boring and generic.

But those people don't know it gets better as it goes along. The graphics are ok but not enough that people notice.

[Congratulations for winning the game.]

[There are no further quests in this mode.]

[Do you want to change mode?]

[It will restart from begining in the new mode.]

I am not sure what it means by mode but I finnished the game so I decided to click yes.

Sudenly I fell to the floor. I guess I made a really stupid mistake acepting the quest without knowing what it was.

Its probably not that bad but I haven't slept in so long. I feel tired, so tired I don't want to move. Since I am already asleep let me just close my eyes for a bit...