Mixed Feelings Moments

The caller was silent for a moment.

"So why marry her if you feel that way?"

"Her being most noticeably awful makes the time run so quick. And if I get tired of her crappy behavior, I look at that beautiful face, and I'm okay," he laughed. "I'm not expecting a perfect wife. Marrying her might be worth it. "

"You sound getting crazy..."

"Maybe... Anything else?"

"Alexander will be here next week..."

"Oh. That's the wrong timing. I'll be busy preparing for my wedding..."

"So, you're really into marrying her? You can't change your decision?"

"It's too late for that stage of backing out, Michelle."

"What about me? Don't you care about me?"

"Don't start with this square one portion with me. We both know there's no us ever since. I'm getting married, so might as well you enjoy the moment with Alex, who you care about more than me. And do me a favor, be happy for me..."
