The Man from Her Past

"Ugh." She was eye-rolling. She shook her head while opening his gift—a diamond bracelet with her name on it. It must have cost a fortune, but it did not make her truly happy knowing that the man she married was not hers.

"Whenever you do that expression, I feel insulted. Next time I see that reaction, I will kiss you till you beg me to stop. I don't care if we are in public."

She could not help but smirk. Then her eyes returned to the glitters of the bracelet.

"What's the verdict?"

Her eyebrow arched a bit, but she smiled. "Expensive!"

His laughter resounded.

She smiled at the man's reaction.

"But I like the simple design though it's screaming the price," she commented, followed by giggling.

He chuckled while taking the bracelet from her hand and putting it on her wrist.

"Grandma mentioned that it's your birthday soon…." He stated.

She did not want to talk about it, especially on her wedding day.