The Mysterious Adonis

THAT WOMAN was stubborn, Jacob thought, so annoyed when he returned to his wife's room and found her missing. He tried to find the secret door to the basement, which he remembered from their conversation. He failed to see that door.

So defiant...!

He quickly got to his car, heading towards the hotel that held their wedding reception. He was sure that's where his wife went.

The vehicle he was driving was skidding on the road when suddenly someone appeared next to him and swiftly controlled the car with one hand before the car hit the pole. He was shocked by what he saw but soon recovered and looked beside him as the car stopped.

"Who are you?"

"Have a guess," replied the cold voice of the young man seated next to him, with his dark, wavy blond hair of medium length. His golden eyes have a dark brown iris ring on them. "And you're not even surprised to see me..."