He can Never Be Hers

"They caught one last night. Outside of this hotel."

"How do they know it's a vampire?" She swallowed.

"The guards did not know at first. But he tried to get in, and he stopped. There's that young, good-looking guy who helped the guard to capture him."

"How did you know?"

"It was on tv. The media interviewed the guards off that hotel, but the good-looking guy trying to hide from the camera disappeared.

"Did you tell grandma?"

"No, but I think she knows. She left the house so early after she got a phone call."

"Where did she go?"

"I guess, the grannies having tidbits about you and Jacob." She laughed. "She was awake most of the night. Watching the video of your wedding."

"Did you have some pictures of the wedding?"

"Yes, why??"

"Oh, I just want to see…."