Heated Moments

ANGELINE was even more shocked when they were near the homestead door. Jacob suddenly picked her up. And from above were fallen red and white rose petals—the two bathes in flowers.

Angeline clung to her husband's shoulder. And upon their eyes met, his face dropped, and he claimed her lips with a kiss. Jacob seemed stunned and raised his face at the glare of the camera in different directions. He laughed, then looked at her and started climbing the spiral staircase.

"Hold on tight," he said, turning the doorknob. Again, they were showered with fresh petals of peony flowers. And they were both quiet surveying the bed wrapped with white satin bedsheets and two large pillows in white satin.

On the other side is a round table for two. There are already dishes waiting on the table and drinks.

"Shall we try the bed?" He teased as he stared at her. He did not wait for her reply. Jacob placed his right knee on the bed before gently laying her down in the middle.