The Havoc in Crystal’s Death

JACOB was affected because he gradually came to understand what his wife meant.

"You saw her?"

Angeline only managed to nod because she still could not stand to see the apparition of the beautiful woman who appeared to her. She was like a stump in those moments, but she felt the gentle gesture of Jacob squeezing her lot lean against his chest.

"Pease, calm yourself down..."

Angeline quietly cried on his husband's chest. She could still remember the sad face of that alluring beauty.

She sympathized with her knowing she was innocent in the case held by Jacob.

"Then Crystal is dead ..." Stefanie exclaimed as she recovered from the shock at the speed of what happened. "What is the impact of her death on the case you are handling?"

"Still vague, and now, if she died, it could automatically close the case," Jacob sadly explained.

"I want to know what happened to her. Who killed her ..."?