A Match Made in Heaven

AFTER the siblings got their drinks, they went to the balcony and watched the stars while sipping their drinks.

"By the way, don't you get sick after drinking that cranberry juice?" Alissa remarked.

Angeline stared at the content of her glass almost half, then raised her head at her eldest sister.

"So far, no," her reply.

"That's amazing life you got."

"Not that amazing," she said with sadness. "There's always trouble, and I feel that there's more coming. It's not the kind of life I want to lead."

"What are you trying to say, Angela?" Her eldest asked with concern.

"I'm not sure, but my ability is not a free given to keep it to myself. I would fight him if Mallory ordered us to be killed."

"Mallory, the vampire king?"

Angeline nodded.

"You knew then?"

Angeline nodded," but you knew, too?"

"That's what Silas found out, and he said he will join the fight if ever it will happen."