A Visit to The King's Territory

ANGELINE was not making any sound intentionally, contemplating whether to reply to her brother. It was not the right time to communicate with him about her plan to go to the vampire king's premises. But considering how he must be lonesome for losing his wife, she could not ignore him.

"What's up, ass?" She replied finally but could not hide her annoyance at his unexpected communication. And wondered why of all the moments, he chose this moment. "Can't you sleep?"

Ethan's laugh sounded amused, "you could say something like that. I'm still thinking about whether to leave or stay for good even if Andre said so."

"Why?" Angeline asked, emitting a deep sigh. She wanted to end the conversation with him. "You need to be away from here, Ethan, quickly forget your wife."

"I don't intend to forget Crystal ever."

"Oh, please… she's gone."