Beach Moments with Jacob

ALEX never mentioned that he came back after his vacation. Then why didn't Stefanie say that story?"  Jacob's eyebrows were slightly arched as he was recalling. "My friend said he would be busy… I realized now that he got busy with you those days."           

Her cheeks warmed at what he said meaningfully.   

"It was the part of my life that I did not tell your sister. Alex and I keep everything a secret, especially since my grandmother was strict then. If he hadn't been so naughty to bed me, our secret might have lasted. I was not ready for the relationship going though I fell for him. But sneaking and meeting and sleeping with a vacationist man is just too risky especially if he would disappear for months because he did not get what he wanted from me is just too unreasonable, considering our age gap. And I did not trust him, though I could feel his sincerity but not the commitment. I felt that he was not ready to commit."