Love Or Lust?

A WEAK knock on their bedroom door woke up Jacob. He immediately pulled up the blanket to cover the nakedness of his wife, who was sound asleep. With her head on his shoulder and her hand was wrapped around him. 

He couldn't help but smile at Angeline's sleeping position, which he had no complaints about except loving it. The sound of the door opening slowly made him look at it.

Only Madam Alecia's head peeked out.

"Good morning, Jake. Hurry and join us in the living room. Don't make us wait too long."

Before he could answer, she was gone, and the door closed. He carefully slipped out of Angeline's embrace and quickly got up. He reached for the towel on top of the dresser and wrapped it around his waistline to cover his nakedness as his eyes could not leave his wife's face. He briefly examined her beautiful face. Unable to resist, he put up one foot and swiftly kissed her on the lips.