Evening Together

ANGELINE slowly opened her eyes when she heard the typing speed ringing in her ears. Her eyes looked at the hairy honey skin in front of her and widened when she saw the thigh just near her face. She swallowed hard, and slowly she looked up and saw the owner of the thigh almost next to her face.

"Finally, you woke up," Jacob smiled at her. "Do you realize what time it is now?"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's like half of the day you were sleeping." He filled in.

"Oh?" Her eyes stared at him.

"And your eyes right now glitter like a captivating crystal blue."

She did know how to react to what he said. And they stared at each other quietly. It was Jacob who broke the spell by looking away.

He cleared his throat, "if you kept looking at me like that, I might suddenly kiss you."

Angeline swallowed quietly. She noticed the laptop rested on his lap as he leaned against the headboard of the bed.