Bound to Love

"CUT IT OUT, guys," Angeline said without smiling as she faced their visitor. "It's better not to talk about it. Let's pretend it never happened as I don't want to think of that jerk."

Their visitor nodded.

"I agree with you, Angeline. But we're here to join this moment," Andre explained. "No one in the Council group knew what happened, leaving it at that. Even so, I was shocked when your brother told me everything. I just could not believe that as powerful as he was, he died in the hands of your husband. But so glad he's gone. But we should be careful as always."

"Thanks, Andre," Jacob replied. "Yes, I'm aware that something could be coming up before what happened."

"Yep," Ethan voiced. "We hope no one was aware that he went to the homestead."

"Yeah. You're right about that," Angeline stated. "I hope so, so we don't have another headache. It's bad that his life went to nothing at that moment with all that energy and strong compulsion he had."