Marking Her Before The Wolves Duel

JACOB refused to let Angeline walk. When they reached the hotel, he carried her inside and let the guard bring his bike into the basement private parking space.

When they were inside the elevator, Angeline reached his face when her husband was quiet. His eyes were steady, watching the lighted number of every floor. His look was stern, and he had furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you mad at me?" She pretended not to know what he was feeling.

She saw his jawline moved but unperturbed.

"Don't ask how I feel," he said coldly—still avoiding looking at her. "I want to hear from your lips why you were with him. "

"I didn't go out to meet him," Angeline started telling him. "I went to check where I could find Carina in that fortress, and he happened to be there, so we talked, and he was bringing me home."

"Holding hands?"