Chapter 2

Emberly Atlas POV- 1940, 16.

I wake up in an empty grey room, there was no one inside except for me. I find myself strapped to a metal chair, I see a little brown stool with a grey tray on it, on the grey tray was a little red book with a black star on it.

I was wearing black leather clothes; it covered my whole body except my metal arm. It went up to my neck, down to my finger tips and my ankles (under my fighting boots). I noticed I still had my dog tags on underneath my suit.

And I realised I had a metal arm....

I look at it with fear and fascination, it still felt like I had my flesh arm, all of the senses were there and everything normal like a real arm except it was silver and metal with a red star on my shoulder. Honestly, it was cool.

The doors bang open and three people entered, the two surgeons! The man that was standing in front of me is wearing a uniform with a name on it that read: KOOMCOSKI

'You're awake, that is very good.' His sly Russian voice says with pleasure.

'Who are you?' I question.

'I am General Koomcoski, your new leader.'

'Why am I here? Where am I?' The general chuckles.

'You should be thanking me and the surgeons.' He taps my metal arm. 'I brought you here after I found you in terrible condition, but then I realised you could become one of us.' I narrow my eyes at him.

'Who's "us"?' Koomcoski smirks but then it disappears.


'You were the people who invaded my town!'

'Yes . . . and no. We were looking for somebody like you, we weren't intending to hurt anyone . . . muffin.' That's what my mother called me!

'What's wrong, muffin?' he asked me as he looking into my ocean blue eyes, 'Do you feel like you won't belong? Not be able to call Hydra family, not be able to call this home?'

'Yes.' I mutter quietly. When I looked into his eyes, there was a hint of sympathy, otherwise his face was emotionless.

'There's something I have to do before welcoming you with open arms.' He grabs the little red book and starts strolling around the chair.

'Desire, Rusted.' A sudden pain seared through my head, I thrashed around in the chair. I large smirk appears on his face.

'Seventeen, Dawn.' The pain I was feeling was unexplainable, it felt like something was taking control of me.

'Oven, Nine.' I became really sweaty as the pain grew more unbearable, it felt like I had to yell in agony.

'Good-hearted, Return to motherland.' I was in less control of my body; I was slowly becoming light-headed so I hung my head.

'One, Freight Car.'


Dark Soldier's POV- 1940, 16.

My head was hung, I was staring at the ground as I could feel sweat sliding down my face which was greatly uncomfortable.


'General Koomcoski.' I see a smirk appear on his face.

'Look at me solider.' I follow orders and look at him, I look at him emotionless which makes his smile grow larger.

'Perfect. You are the Dark Solider, made for killing. Hail Hydra!'

'Hail Hydra.' The two people in white come over to me and unstrap me from the metal chair, I examine the metal arm.

'Follow me solider.' The general says, I follow him down multiple halls until we reach a plan room with nothing in it except a separate room for the bathroom.

'This is your quarters, you are to stay in here at all times unless you are on a mission, summoned by me or are training.'

'Yes, general.'

'Good.' He leaves the room and closes the door behind him which automatically locks.

'Well, this is going to be shit.' I mutter in Russian.


74 years later- Dark Solider POV

I was sleeping when four hydra agents stormed into the room with guns, I open my eyes and look at them curiously.

'General Koomcoski sent us to retrieve you and bring you to him.' I don't reply but I stand up and follow the agents out of the room and into a meeting room.

'Ahh, you're here.'

'What have you summoned me for?'

'You have a new mission.' He hands me a tablet that had a photo of a woman on it. 'Track her down, she's full of useful information we need. Get that information out of her and then kill her.' I nod and look at the photo, then I leave the building, I feel like I know her.