Chapter 5

Dark Soldier's POV

It was around midnight; I had located where the target's house was. It was a really large and modern apartment that look around onto the city, so it turns out the elder was very rich.

I landed on a window gently and used a laser cutter to cut a big circle in the glass, it was about to fall and hit the floor but I caught it just in time and gently placed it on the floor. I stand up straight and scanned the large modern room, the mask darkened it a bit but I was still able to see.

The lights suddenly flicked on and I see three people, Bucky, Captain America and the target.

'Emberly!' I didn't realise how short the target was, she's half my height! She takes a step towards me and I pull out my knife, and she stops moving. 'Ember, it's me. Don't you remember?'

'I don't speak English.'

'Right.' Bucky says, Cap looks at Bucky confused while the target still looks at me. 'She only speaks Russian.'

'Well now you can translate, Buck.'

'So, you can't understand English?' Bucky asks me, I shake my head.

'I have spent my whole life searching for you Ember! You just suddenly disappeared after these strange people attacked, where'd you go?' Bucky translates for me, I chuckle evilly.

'That's none of your concern old woman.' Bucky continues to translate back and forth, I charged at the target and attempted to attack but Bucky blocked it. I growl and elbowed him in the stomach, Cap's shield hit me in the jaw and I stumble backwards while holding my jaw.

I realised my mask had come of and my face was exposed, something swept my feet and I landed on my back. I stand up again, I attempted to punch Cap but he dodged and I punched the wall behind him. Something hit me from behind, I yelped in pain. I sprinted to the kitchen and grabbed a chef's knife and a pan, Bucky tried to punch me but I blocked it with the pan. I drop the pan which had an enormous dint in it and stroll out of the kitchen, something traps me while I was walking. I get pulled on to my knees and my arms are back, the trio stroll towards me.

'You're a lot weaker than the first time we fought.' Bucky says, I chuckle lightly.

'It's not like I was tortured for hours because I failed my mission.' I hiss with venom in my voice, I can't believe I got beaten by a woman, let alone an elder. It turns out there were handcuffs in the floor, specifically for me.

'Ember, look at me.' I do the opposite and look away; she grabs my extremely sore jaw and forces me to look at her. Her amber eyes stare into my ocean blue ones.

'You still like you when you were sixteen.' The target mutters gently in English, she wipes the blood that is slowly dripping out of my mouth.

I attempt to bite her but she boops my nose playfully and shakes her head slightly, I feel something in my sleeve. I click the button on it and smoke spills out of my sleeve.


Bucky's POV

I started coughing as smoke filled the apartment, a couple of minutes later, it started clearing out. I saw that Emberly had escaped, I punch the wall in anger.

'It's okay, we'll find her.' Steve reassures Naomi. 'We'll take you to the Avengers Tower and look after you there.'

'Okay, thank you boys for trying to protect me.'

'It's our job ma'am.' Steve says proudly as we leave.