Chapter 15

Bucky's POV

We ran back to Ember's room through flashing red hallways, Steve's shield kept hitting me as we were running which was bloody annoying.

We arrive at Ember's room, only to find the metal door is off its hinges, she could be anywhere by now.

'Where do we start?' I snap in anger, catching Steve's attention.

'I don't know Buck, let's go different ways until her find h-' Something kicked him in the face and then disappeared, I hear light footsteps running away from us.

'GO!' Steve yells, so I sprint after the figure.


I made it outside and she agents of S.H.I.E.L.D running in one direction, so I follow them. On the way, I see many unconscious or dead bodies. I hear a snap up ahead, yup, dead. I see Ember snap the last agent's neck and drop them.

'Ember! Stop!' The Dark Solider faces me with her death glare, I casually stroll towards her, not getting my weapons. 'We can help.' I reassure her.

'You keep repeating that, it's starting to get annoying now.'

'That's because it's true, you could be free from Hydra, you could live a life-'

'And be like you? A traitor? Someone without a purpose?' She spat; I look at her directly in the eyes.

'Hydra is the traitor, they've been using you, forcing you to kill whoever they want dead.' I say calmly, still not getting my weapons from my belt. I stop walking towards her when I was a couple of meters away, keeping my distance. 'But look at how many people you've killed now, just because they were in your way.' Dark Solider scans the area, her facial expression changes from angry to soft and vulnerable. 'Do you know how many deaths you're responsible for?' I see her eyes look at the ground with sorrow.

'How many?' she mumbles before looking at me sadly, Ember's back!

'Three thousand and something, plus these ones...still three thousand and something.' I say while doing the maths, she puts her wrists out.

'Just handcuff me.' She grumbles, clearly not pleased with herself. I grab the handcuffs off one of the dead agents, I'm about to put it on her when something shoots me in the ankle and the shoulder, forcing me to kneel and drop the handcuffs.

Somebody strolls past me, holding a fancy gun.

'Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.' The person's sly Russian voice said. 'I thought the Winter Solider would've put up more of a fight.'

'Zemo.' Ember growls, narrowing her eyes at him.

'Ahh, the Dark Solider.'

'You're the person who activated the Dark Solider when we were in the room.' I snarl, remembering his voice.

'Yes.' Zemo said, something flips open. The little red book!

'Where'd you get that?!' Atlas snaps, I could sense that she was afraid, not wanting the Dark Solider to come back

'I found it and it turns out, one of the S.H.I.E.D. agents truly work for Hydra but sadly, now he's dead. May he rest in peace.' He looks over to one of the bodies closest to us, Koomcoski? Ember sees the body as well and her eyes widen.

'So, what – you're the leader of Hydra now?' Ember snarls but Zemo shakes his head.

'No – god no! Hydra's horrible, that's why I have already destroyed them.'

'You what?!' I say in shock.

'Honestly, are you deaf old man?' Zemo says.

'How the hell did a dipshit like you manage to destroy such a big organisation?' Atlas growls.

'A magician never reveals his secret.' Zemo says cheekily, Atlas growls. 'Ahh, found it. A new set of words to activate the Dark Solider and make her more violent, make her follow orders and fuse you and the Dark Solider together.' Zemo explains to Ember who looks like she has just seen a ghost.

'WHAT! NO!' She yells, come on Steve, where are you? Surely it doesn't take you this long to get you standing again.

'Excuse me Zemo, random question but where is Captain America?'

'Why the fuck do you care about him?!' Ember snaps at me.

'Oh, I've already taken care of him.'

'Oh shit.' I grumble in frustration, Zemo clears his throat as he struts around Ember.