Chapter 17

Aurora's POV

It's been more than an hour since we left the tall building, I was sitting in the loungeroom, panicking. Clint was sitting with me on the couch and so was Natasha, I was leaning into Clint for comfort as he had an arm around me.

The elevator doors open to reveal Steve Bucky and – Ember! But she was chained up and had a metal thing around her mouth and she was handcuffed.

'Ember!' I say, her attention turns to me, she doesn't look threatening. She was dragged down a hallway by some agents, Bucky and Steve sat on the couch opposite us.

'Can I go see Bucky?' I ask, Clint nods. I get off the couch I was sitting on and sit on Bucky's lap, Bucky wraps his arms around me and I lean into his chest.

'Hey Skyfire.' He says hoarsely, it sounded like he lost his voice and then it came back. His eyes show sadness and that he's tired, Steve had decided it was time for him to go to bed, so he left the lounge room.

'Are you okay Bucky?' I ask, he nods and looks at me.

'Yeah, just sore and tired.' He answers, I begin stroking the lines on his metal hand. A couple of minutes later, I hear quiet snoring from above me, I look up and see that Bucky had fallen asleep. I curl up into a ball and fall asleep as well.


Clint's POV

I watch the duo peacefully sleep, it reminds me of my kids and ex-wife but then yet again, it makes me homesick. My ex-wife is due to give birth to a baby boy soon, her new husband Oliver Rein is the father of him.

Personally, it makes me jealous. The kids seem to enjoy being around him except for my daughter who despises him and would rather be with me.

I get off the couch and go to my room which was a few floors down, Stark had given us all an "apartment" in the building. I enter the kitchen and make myself a coffee.

'Could you make me one as well?' a voice says behind me, I chuckle and turn around, only to see Nat sitting on the couch dressed in sexy clothes.

'Now how did you get down here before me?' I question, still not making her a coffee.

'I may have run down the stairs.' She says cheekily.

'There are stairs! Fuck you Stark! I would've love to run down the stairs if I knew there were some.' I growl playfully.

'Did the hawk just get beaten by a tin man?' She says, now I know what she wants, oh Romanoff you bitch.

She notices I just figured out what she's really here for, I finish my coffee and sit next to her on the couch. She has a smug look like she's been a naughty girl.

'You ready?' I say slyly, she purrs.

'Oh yes.' She says in a sexy tone.


Fury's POV

Barton and Romanoff disappeared somewhere; Barnes is asleep with the kid on the couch. Rogers is nowhere to be found, and the science pair have probably gone down to the lab. I gave up and went to Atlas's room.


Ember's POV

I'm sitting in the corner of a grey room, staring at the wall. Somebody opens the door and closes it behind them.

'Who the hell are you?' I snarl, the black man looks at me strictly before sitting down and leaning against the opposite wall from me.

'I am Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., I-'

'Suppose you're here to torture me, get some information out of me? God, why won't S.H.I.E.L.D. leave me alone!' I growl, the man stays silent but shakes his head.

'No, I came here to get to know you.' I snort in disbelief; Fury gives me a "what the fuck is up with this bitch?" look.

'What name do you prefer to go by?'

'Any is fine, just not Emberly, it's too grand and-'

'Sounds too much like Emily?'

'That and I don't like it.'

'So, if I decide to call you by your first name, you prefer Ember?' I nod. 'Well, in that case. How many languages can you speak, Ember?'

'Let's see, German, Russian, English, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, French, Swedish and a couple more I can't remember but I'm fluent in the ones I listed.' I say, numbering them off.

'How many can you speak Fury?

'A lot.'

'Are you sure about that?'

'Mmhmm, some of them are German, Russian and Japanese.' I roll my eyes; he chuckles and then sighs.

'I didn't want to have this life.' I say, catching Fury's attention.


'I wanted a normal life, like most people have. But of course, my hopes were destroyed when I turned three.' I mumble.

'What happened?'

'Well, my mother mysteriously died on my birthday, but I have come down to two possible conclusions.'

'And what might they be?'

'You're very nosy, you know that?'

'Indeed, continue.'

'My first thought is Hydra killing her, I haven't thought about how since I don't spend much time thinking about it. My second thought is my father, he despised my mother-'

'Then why marry her?'

'God, I don't know!' I say sarcastically. 'Probably because she was the queen's daughter and that she was rich because of royalty.' Fury began laughing his head off.

'Ha! What a dumbass!' he says, after a moment, he calms down and clears his throat.

'So, what you're saying is that you are royalty?'

'I suppose so.' I grumble, narrowing my eyes down at the floor. Fury looks at me awfully confused.

'Wasn't it your dream to become a princess or some shit like that?'

'Pfft, no. I wanted to become an author or an adventurer.' We stay silent for a minute.

'What's the situation with Aurora?'