Chapter 20

Aurora's POV – a month after court – her birthday (9th of September)

It has been a month since court and it's my birthday, and I get to celebrate it with the Avengers! I have gotten so many cool things but mainly I'm just happy I get to spend it with people I like, Ember was holding something thin and wrapped in wrapping paper.

She hands it to me and I look at it curiously.

'Well, come on! Let's see what's inside!' Tony says with excitement, I nod and unwrap it, I look at Ember with shock.

'A-An adoption certificate?' I stutter, Ember shows a small smile and nods.

'Happy 8th Birthday, Aurora.' She says, my eyes fill up with tears and I hug her tightly.

'Thank you! Thank you!' I cry, she rubs her metal hand against my back.

'Wow, I didn't think you'd have that much kindness in you Atlas.'

'Shut up Stark!' She snaps, I look up at her with happy eyes.

'Y-You really want to adopt me?'

'Well, it's official now.' She chuckles. 'Are you happy with this choice?'

'Yes! Of course! How could I not!'

'I'm glad.' She mumbles, I look over at Bucky who has a happy smile on his face but then he looks at the certificate with pride. 'But did you know, it's not just me who going to be looking after you now.'

'It's not?'

'No, there's one more name on it apart from yours and mine.'

'Who's is it?'

'Why don't you see for yourself?' Bucky hands me the certificate, it reads:


Certificate Of Adoption

Child's name: Aurora Seldon

New Carer/s name/s: Ember Atlas and James "Bucky" Barnes


I look at Bucky and hug him tightly, he looks at me kindly and his smile grew.

'Well, now you're a part of the Avengers, Skyfire.' He says, now my two favourite people are my new parents.


Bucky's POV

I'm currently looking for Ember and the sun is setting; I couldn't find her anywhere in the tower. I enter the lounge room and see Aurora playing with Clint and Nat.

'Whatcha looking for Barnes?' Clint asks.


'She's probably on the roof, watching the sunset.' Nat says, I nod and get the elevator to the roof.


I when I open the door to the roof, I see Ember sitting down, watching the sunset. Somehow, this makes me smile, I cannot believe I have had a crush on this beautiful woman since I first met her.

I stroll over to her and quietly sit down next to her.

'That was a brave thing to do, adopting Aurora.' I say, looking at her, she doesn't look at me but I can see a smile appear on her face.

'Well. She needs someone in her life who'll be there for her, plus, your name is on it as well.' Ember answers, glancing at me with a sad expression. I pull her closer to me and I see her slightly blush.

'Bucky, I-' I lean forward and let my lips touch hers, gently and passionately. I feel her stiffen for a moment before she kisses me back. Her lips are warm and soft, we enjoy it for a moment longer before breaking it. I stare into her eyes, I never noticed how pretty they are.

'You are so beautiful.' I mumble, realising I'm blushing. 'I have had a crush on you since the first time we met, even if you were on the wrong side of the fight.' I continue, Ember blushes and looks away.

'I've had a hit on you as well, Buck.' She mumbles. 'But I've learned over the years to hide my emotions well.'

'I see that.' I chuckle, looking at the sunset. 'Ember?'

'Yes?' She looks at me curiously and I cleared my throat and looked at her.

'W-Would you like to go on a date?' Ember looks back at the sunset, but then smiles.

'Yes, I would enjoy that very much.' She says, smiling, I smile back.


Time skip – 1 year

It's been a year since I asked Ember to go out with me, surprisingly she said yes. But a lot has happened since then, I proposed to Ember, she said yes! So we got married and now I have two people I can call family and a place I can call home.