Hero felt cold like never before. He is starting to wonder whether his blood would freeze in this situation. The wind blows through his wool armor, sending a shiver down his spine. He took the potion from Rose and drank it down with one gulp. With that he took of all his cloth and headed towards the sleeping beast.

The wind blows past his bare body, he was completely red, from the wind, and from embarrassment. He let out a curse as he approaches, slowly but steady. His mind race back from last night, when he was enrolled in this stupid plan….

"We can't fight the Frostmaw head on." Hero concluded. "We need a plan. His power is far beyond use, we wouldn't even stand a chance against a head-to-head battle with him"

"I have some swiftness potions, regeneration potions, instant health potions, invisibility potions…." Rose mumbled as she pour the potions she have packed on the trip from her backpack. The moment the mystic violet bottle roll in front of her, an idea flashes through her head. "The Frostmaw, he is guarding the crystal right!" She took the potion and ran towards James, asking.

"Well specifically, yes."

"He is vulnerable to heat right?" She questioned again before he could finish. "Well yes again, but any small flame wouldn't kill it, and plus we didn't-" Before he could even finish, he is cut off again as Rose let out a shriek of joy. "I HAVE AN IDEA!!!!!"

And now here he is, working on her "idea".

Another gust of mountain wind blew through him as he let out a shudder.

"You are the strongest." Rose replied. "You are a fighter." Norman agree. "You-you, you are suitable?" Brine mumbled as she turn her head away. "You are the only man suitable for the job Hero." James insist. "You didn't want the girls to be at this awkward situation right?

He let out another curse, he is now just blocks away from the Frostmaw, and so far so good, the beast hasn't awake, or even sense his presence. "Where is the ice crystal…." His eyes scanned around the beast for the magical crystal. It was moment before he realizes that the ice crystal was still floating in the grasp of its palm, the exact place that he hope not to be.

He approaches slowly as he stretch his hand out for the crystal. But the moment his crystal was within his reach, the beast open his eyes. For a moment blood froze in his veins. He has no armor, protection, weapon or any item on him. Being found out at such close quarter is a death wish for him. The beast scanned the surrounding for a while before lying back down to sleep.

Hero has no time to hesitate, apart from dying, the thing that he feared the most is for the potion to run out. He would rather die than appearing naked in front of so many eyes, especially when there are two females involved. He snatch the ice crystal the moment the beast let out his snore and dash back to the hiding spot. He didn't even bother to check whether he have startle the beast, all he wanted is to get back and get clothed, ASAP!

He slid back to the small cave and throw the ice crystal towards James before snatching his clothed and items back. The time the effect ran off, he barely finished clothing. His face was blood red as he stare at other people in the cave, luckily it was snowing, so everyone's faces were red. "So now what." Norman whispered. "Watch." James whisper back.

The gang peek their eyes towards the Frostmaw, who is already awaken right now. It was seconds before it found out that its precious ice crystal is gone. It let out a plaintive cry as he dug the snow around him, hoping to find the missing relic, but it was long gone. He let out another roar, this one is in pure anger and rage as it bashes the ground around him wildly.

"Guys." Norman whispered. "I think we just pisses him off-" Before he could even complete his words, a huge thud can be heard above the cave as if something had landed on it. For a moment no body move, for a minute nobody talk, hoping it was just one of the ice blocks that flung from the Frostmaw's anger tantrum. But then all hope and prayers were lost when the cave shook violently as a huge roar can be heard above them. The roof starts to crumble down while rocks started to fell from the roof of the cave.

They have been found out.