"Thanks for the trip." Hero hop down from the ship and onto the wooden path laid at the harbor. After a month on sea, they have finally arrived at the Shipwreck Harbor, looks like their trip on sea is finally coming to an end. The rest of the gang followed as they hop down the ship one by one. The two team gave each other their blessings and some gifts before finally leaving. "Here" Gale handed out a piece of paper with a basic hand drawn locator map on it. "There is an Inn here, at the top of the hills, the owner is a close friend of mine. Hand him this and you shall stay for as long as you want." He handed him a message scroll that was tied with a bloody red ribbon. "Thanks" Hero take the map and note without thinking much as he put them into his pocket. Gale nodded his head and turn around, walking back to the ship, letting out a sly smirk out of the gang's sight.

As the Big Betty disappear within the mist surrounding the Shipwreck Harbor, they turn their head around and take their first good look at the harbor, they are going to stay here for a few days to restock and refuel. But the bad news is that this looks horrible, maybe even worse than the sunken reef harbor that they've been to.

The island was basically fully overflown by water, the only "land" they have is made up by a few shipwreck stack together by some rusty nails, creaking like crazy with the wind as kelp overgrown around it. Hero and the rest walk around the Island for a bit and purchase a short trip to get off this island and head to the plains. But by then it was already far too dark and late, and besides, they still need to restock. So they push the schedule two days forward and headed out to the Inn Gale has told them to stay according to the map. But when they arrived, Hero suddenly felt a tingling feel within him, his instinct kicks, sensing something.

"Seriously?" Rose grumbled as Hero lay out his sleeping bag under and began to set up camp. "Gaw, we need some serious rest Hero, there are better options instead of laying in the wild." Norman rolled his eyes as he pointed at one of the Inn just blocks beside them. "Don't let one bad experience ruin your day."

"Well who causes that experience then?" Hero glare back at Norman, Norman turn his head and evade his look uneasy. Hero look at Brine who was quite all the time, she seems pale, the rest seems wore out too. Hero he himself felt a throbbing sensation from his head, a little bit nauseous and his mouth taste bitter just like his first few days out at the sea. But now he is at land, he have heard the phrase "landsick" from Captain Black before but he has no idea whether others was having one. He look at his half built tent before finally agreeing "Fine." He pack his items back into his backpack and stood up as he walk towards the Inn. "If anything happens it's on you."

The three let out a smile as they follow. Finally some good rest, they thought in their mind. Hero stood at the entrance of the bar as he stare at the signboard hanging at the front of it, written in big, inky words that glows dimly in the dark. "Is it from the ink of the Glowsquid?" Hero thought to himself as he read out the name of this shabby looking Inn:

"Simon's Salmon Inn."

"Huh, funny name." Brine said as the gang pushed open the rotten spruce door of the Inn. The moment the door open, a strong pungent fishy smell of rotten sardines and pickled salmon drill into their nose as Rose let out a gag. Just as the door swung open, everyone in the Inn stop what they are doing and look at the gang. It was quite for all of a sudden, as everyone's attention is focused on them as they walk through the people slowly and carefully.

"Hey Tommy boy! Ya got guest!! An outsider!!!" Suddenly the man with an eye patch sitting at one of the barrels scattering around the floor let out a roar. "Finally! Some soul except the devil!!!" A short stump man with bushy bear exclaimed while the rest roared and cheered. The owner of the Inn, Tommy, walk out of the room into the counter and take just one look at them before bursting into laughter. "I thought only devils roam in hell!!" Another one burst out followed by another roar of laughter. The group stood there, awkward and dumbfounded, they have no idea what is going on, or what they are going to do.

"I say mate." One of the bulkiest man stood up from his seat as he advanced towards the gang. The wooden floor beneath him squeaked violently by every step as the lantern above him shook. He was holding a beer in hand as he bear his yellow, filthy teeth, with fish bones and seaweeds stuck in between his gums. "I suggest you turn off your head and get the heck out of this Inn. Outsiders." He taunt mockingly as he grab Hero's head with his big greasy hand and shook his head while the rest laugh like hyenas, banging the barrel and screaming like a bunch of monkeys.

With one swift move, Hero pulled out his saber from his backpack and grab him by his wrist with his other hand, making him lost balance and pulling him towards Hero. He draw the handle of his saber out of the case as he slams his forehead right into the hilt of his saber. The impact send him flying right into another stack of barrels behind him, like a bowling ball rolling against a group of bowling pins.

The rest of the people stop laughing, not even moving upon seeing this. Some went over to check whether the man was still alive, he was fine but out cold from the hit, is Hero choose to drew out the tip of his saber, this man would've been a dead man by now. "2 rooms for 2, each." Hero walk towards the counter and gave him the piece of paper Gale had handed him earlier on. "You know him, right? He say you could gave us a free stay for a night." Tommy stare at Hero for a while before taking the paper and lay it out. His eyes scanning the words written on it as his lips mouthed the words. He take another long look before finally nodding. "Here is the keys for room 13 and 14." He fumbled out two copper keys from the desk at the counter, which was full of crap. Hero took the keys and gave one to Rose as they head at the stairs beside them, stepping over the big lump which is still unconscious.

The rest wait until they enter their room and shut their Inn before finally letting out a breath of relieve. "What's that boy?" The one eye patched man questioned. "He took out Charles the Slayer with one hit! He is a killer!!" "What does the paper he gave to you hold Tommy?" Another one raised his hook and asked. "It is weird, it claims to be from a crewmate of Jack Black! Old pall ain't it!"


"Jack Blacky my boy!!"

"Been long since he left the family!!"

"Being a hero again! That boy is our pride!"

The gang exclaimed with happiness. "How is he doing? Tell him that Trojan and the crew missed him a lot!" The short stub man shouted as he lift out his cup of beer and drank it down with one gulp before slamming it down on the barrel he stacked up. "Well the problem is….." Tommy spoke hesitantly and took out the note before rolling it flat on the counter. The crowd gather around the circle shape counter and read the message written on it. It was a coded message written in pirate language, only skilled voyagers or pirates of a certain crew can un-code it. Almost at the exact same time, the people surrounding it let out a gasp as their eyes grew wide when it reaches the final sentence of the message.

"He is dead."



"Jack Black is DEAD!!!"

The joyous atmosphere suddenly freeze as everyone gasped. "He say that the gang killed him and dump him into the sea!!" Another one shouted, the rest replied with boos and angry curses. "He wishes to end the pain of unfortunate drowns yet, he became one!! This is a disgrace!!!" The one eye pirate shouted as he hop onto the barrels. The rest followed as they draw out their weapons, hooting, chanting for revenge of their fallen one.

Just when things were about to reach the next level, the door of the Inn swung open with a thud. And a black, tall, muscular figure walk enters the room, silencing the crowd as they all turn around and sat back. The one who draw out their weapon silently place it back, while the one who is screaming and roaring immediately grew quiet, shutting up their mouth and backed off. The man took off his wet coat and hang it on the coat hanger before walking towards the counter "What do you boys are doing this time?" The man ask as he sat down on one of the wooden stool surrounding the counter. Tommy immediately handed out a huge cup of barley beer poured into a gigantic sweet oak mug, the finest one he could find.

He take off the leathery glove on his one hand and took over the mug and start chugging. "It is like this, Captain Trojan." Tommy stammered as he gave him the note. He continue chugging the bear while rolling out the paper and start reading. The rest stay quiet, no body moved even an inch. As he read and read, his expression grew angrier and angrier. When he finished the last sentence of the message, he let out a huge knock at the table as he throw the mug over the room, smashing it into pieces. His face is red and filled with anger with steams pumping out of his ears. His eyes widen turn blood red while bearing his yellow brown crocked teeth. With one smash of his both hands on the counter, he let out a huge roar.

"WHO DID THIS TO MY JACK!!!" He smash the table once more, then another, and when he was about to do that again, the rest of the crew within the bar rushed in and hell the captain shut. Holding his arms and covering his mouth while Tommy signaled that someone is above them. "He is above us captain." One of them whispered. They heard footsteps, the squeaking sound of the door opening and closing, the sound of the bed frame creaking before complete silence.

"He is the one? And he is living in our Inn?!" He questioned after the rest finally let go. "There is four of them actually." The short stump man added. "Why didn't you stop them and kill'em at the first place!!" He roared. "You see Billy there, sir?" One of the pointed at Billy, the man who just knocked out by Hero with one hit, who is still unconscious by the way. "He is a strong one, and we are all too old to fight!" The eye patch lad complained, they are indeed all, very all. "What did you think about us when we choose to open an Inn instead of voyaging the sea!" Tommy let out a sigh.

"Then what should we do!? Let Jack die? Let this son of a shrimp alive?" Trojan hissed as he rub his swollen hand, he might be able to split the table into two, if he was twenty years younger. He is now almost seventy, a man near his death bed, so do any other of his fellow retired crewmates within the Inn. They stand no chance against four young, skilled and well equipped youngsters.

"I suggest, we do it the smart way." Tommy suddenly let out a grin as he took a bottle filled with green liquid and hand it over to the rest. The gang take a look at the bottle with a skull labeled on it, beneath it written four large words: THE TEAR OF SIRENS

"You decided to poison them?" The stump lad asked. "But then it would be no fun!" "Not just any poison, Gob." Tommy rolled his eyes and snatch the bottle back. "It's a sleep potion, tastless, colourless, senseless once mixed. It let you fall into a deep sleep. And for those four, a quick half hour nap each!" The group let out a gasp before cheering!

"And at that time! We could do whatever we want!" The stump man laughed. "Feed him to the sharsk! Like the old way!!" "You are right Billy!" Trojan stood up and roared. "For Jack Black!!" And the rest followed.


"Sure is noisy down there." Norman let out a chuckle as he tuck himself nice and cozy in his bed after he blew out the candle beside his bed. "Yeah, people got a work up when they are drunk." Hero blew out the candle at his side before lying down on one of the two bed in the room. That night they slept peacefully, not knowing the danger lurking up at them tomorrow.

Back at the Big Betty:

"You sure about that Gale? Sending them towards Trojan's Inn? You know that man treats Captain Black like the son of his own." Edward ask while he slides down the rope after untying all the sails. "And what did you wrote in the letter you gave." Rose added, both of them staring at Gale, who is now steering the ship, he has taken Captain Black's place of his spot as his place of the Captain of the Big Betty.

"The boy needs some lessons. He owe Trojan and Jack. He needs to pay." He answer calmly while staring at the sea. Edward and Rose knew the hint given but proceeds to keep shut. They had a mixes feeling towards it, they know that Hero isn't bad and didn't do it in purpose, but at the same time the lost of their captain has impact them way too hard. All they could do is pray, hoping for the best.