Hero and Norman walk down the spiraled wooden stair of the Inn. Hero felt stuffy from the shirt gave by Norman, it was a little too tight for him, but it was way better looking than his choice of cloth before, beggars can't be choosers, he guess in his mind. But other than the size, the tuxedo fixed him perfectly. The pure black one button coat and Notch Capel style gave him better mobility and comfort. The silky innerwear gave him a cooling feeling, making it not as hot and cramp as he thought it would be. The dark navy blue trousers fit his slender leg perfectly, and the cyan blue lines on the side gave him an energetic look while the shiny leather boots gave him a gentlemen feel. His hair were waxed and comb to the side, giving him a stylish look. He doubt Norman's choice of dressing for him at first, but once he saw his reflection in the copper mirror, he couldn't believe it. It was like staring into a complete stranger.

The wild rough sense before disappeared, what followed was a brand new man. A gentleman, as if he was a famous businessmen or whatsoever. He lean his face towards the mirror to take a closer look at himself. It was a first time he have ever seem himself. Most of the time he just get his look from the reflection of the water, or the clear flowing stream. He stare at himself, his skin is somewhere between milky and chocolate due to the blazing hot sun, giving him a shiny energetic look. His nose were sharp, positioned perfectly above his mouth. His eyes were wide, with copper brown pupils swirls and twirls like an energetic cat. His ears were sharp and pointy at the end, probably due to his time alone in the mine and fighting mobs before has made him sensitive to sound. His hair were not silky smooth, but each strip is like a string of steel, some scars on his face gave him a vaguely fierce look.

It was the first time in his life he saw himself this clear. He couldn't express his feeling, but one thing is for sure, he is quite a good looking man.

Hero and Norman both walk down the final step of the stairs and headed towards the kitchen of the inn. Well instead of calling it a kitchen, it was a restaurant, a fancy one too, colored candles and chandeliers as well as silky white curtains and cushioned seating with a crackling fireplace. The entire area was reserved by the gang, so it was currently empty at the time. The duo entered the room and seated at the table for four located at the middle. Hero tries to be as quiet as possible while pulling out the chair, trying not to make even the slightest creak, although no one was around. He seated down uneasily as he look at Norman, Norman stare back at him awkwardly, and from the looks of it he is as nervous as Hero. Norman was still wearing his outfit, except there is a tuxedo above it. He say he is lazy to change, but Hero think he already get used to the suit he have been wearing all life for.

The girls haven't arrive at the time, according to the waiter, the owner of the restaurant and the Inn, they haven't done dressing. So it is just the two men for now.

Hero stare at the side and Norman follows. They share the scene of the night sky of The Plains Kingdom. Through the tinted glass, they could see different kind of person passing by, some in hurried while some didn't even haste. It was different than the places Hero have been before, at here he felt life surging through the land, he felt hope in this bizarre world.

Just when he was about to reach another level of daydreaming, a slight creak pull their thoughts back to their mind as together both Hero and Norman turn their heads towards the entrance at the same time.

Brine and Rose step in together. Brine was wearing a long silky below shoulder grown, so do Rose. Except one is lime green and another is mystic purple. Brine's horsetail is let down and tied up together into a bun while Rose's hair is tie into two ponytails. Although they wear the almost identical clothing, it is sure that both of them are different, and beautiful in their own way. The two walk slowly towards the table under the owner's guide, and they finally seated down.

The last dinner together.

The food was serve the moment all of them are seated. Hero once asked the food to be served all together at once instead of one by one, so they can have more time talking instead of being interrupted once in a while. "How's the food?" Hero cut a piece of turkey and gave it to Brine. Tapping her hand to tell her the food is served. "Not bad, love the sauce." Norman tear down the drumstick and take a bite. "At least better than what we have before." Rose chuckled, taking a sip out of the wine from her goblet.

"Remember our time at the sea, eating pickles and grilled salmons all day?" Hero reminded. "Heck yeah, I will never forget the fishiness of Edward's pickled garlic." Norman made a disgusted expression and stuck is tongue out. "Nah." Rose shake her head, her face is growing red from the wine. "The best I remember is Hero going naked Howling's Peak!" With that both Norman and Rose burst out of laughter like hyenas. "Too bad the potion didn't ran out." Norman added. "That would be a real scene!"

Hero drank down his cup of beer one go and slammed it down at the table with a thump. "Yeah, how about you all almost becoming shark food back at Shipwreck harbor?" His face is growing red too. "Grateful that I save your ungrateful butt!" He chug down another cup of beer. "Yeah, if I didn't cut the ropes, you all would!" Rose roared back while refilling her cup of wine. "I am the one who saved ya." She drank down her cup, her eyelid is starting to shut. "Too bad these is all becoming a memory." She blurted.

Everyone went silent. Yeah, it is at last ending. They are finally done with each other. They first doubt each other, wondering, hoping to arrive and be separated, each going down their own path. And yet when it really happens, they regret. Human are really ungrateful, only remember and love the thing they lost.

"Drink up!" Hero took his cup and roared. His eyes were wet. "For tomorrow! For us!!" He didn't want their last meal end up like this. He wanted to be happy, he wanted them to be happy. "Drink up!" Norman raise his cup. "Drink up!!" Rose raise her goblet. "Drink up!!" Brine raise her cup too, her sound is choked, tear is raining down from her blank white eye.

"FOR EACH OF US!!" He cheered, the rest cheered too and drank down their cup. Alas, this day have come. Finally, the team is about to be parted, tomorrow each of them is going to their own separate days. It is their final day together, maybe even the last time they would met each other.

On the wall of the kingdom, two shadows sneak their way through the guards. Knocking down a few out cold silently if needed. They didn't wanted to draw any much attention, they needed to complete their objective right now. After a series of running, they finally arrived at the entrance of the city. The drawbridge was pulled back up during night to avoid mobs from entering. One of the figure crouch down while the other step onto his shoulder and leap onto the chains holding the drawbridge on bay. He begin climbing onto the chains to reach the top part. When he reached it, he blow a whistle to signal the one below, who threw him a few sticks of dynamite on it. He stick the dynamite onto the chains before lighting up the fuse and jump back down.

"You got the path laid for the backup team right?" The figure asked to the other. They ran away from the area, trying not to get caught up from the blast radius. "The Path Ruby is laid perfectly as they told. Should've create a perfect path for the team." He answered as the two hop their way onto the bell tower at the center of the city to reach the peak point for better sight. They are fast, as if they are born to climb, and sneaky too, not even alerting one of the patrolling guards. When they arrive at the peak, they begin searching for the signal and sure enough, they saw a smoke signal in the jungle not far away from them.

"Let's begin then." One of them reload pull the trigger of a flare and throw it at the sky. The flare burst and light up the night sky. At the same time, the bell tower rang as the clock struck twelve, the fuse ended and dynamite explode, snapping the chains while the drawbridge fell to the ground with a thump. As if on cue, dozens of torches light up from the dark jungle. Followed by roars while the torches approaches and blaring sirens. The duo sat on top of the roof to mesmerize the scene and smiled.

"Let the raid begin."