(CHAPTER 23: Ying and Yang)

Back then, there was a famous martial artist, after a lot of attempts, he and his wife finally gave birth to a twin. Namely Ying and Yang.

The martial artist was excited, thinking that they would finally continue his legacy, but he was wrong. The two were far too weak to be fighters, so when her wife gave birth to another kid, he abandoned his love and switch his focus towards the newborn, until even dumping them at the streets as if they were trash.

The twin was devastated by the betrayal, but life goes on, they needed food, water, shelter and most importantly, revenge. The elder sibling, Ying found a job at a Coal Factory while the younger sibling, Yang work at the Windmill. The twin who are barely ten at that time work like no tomorrow, they face hardship, and the cruelty of society, but these doesn't make them weaker, it makes them stronger.

Together they learnt almost all kind of martial arts known to men, and even developed a new fighting technique called Ying Yang, through merging their attitude of fire and air, they create a balanced almost perfect team. They started their own dojo and it quickly grew under their raw power. With thousands of pupils under them, they raided their hometown and killed every single soul in it, including his father, proving their power. But they were not match against their younger brother, who literally bought down the entire army on his own once he found out what they've done.

He was a monster.

A true monster.

The defeated duo was left alive by him, but this was an act of insult towards them, an act towards the weak. In search of better power, they change their name in order to hide their identity. It was not long they joined the illager and quickly climb up the ranks. It was soon that they were listed as the Big Five. With ten thousands of illagers under their teaching their martial art kingdom was turning from a fantasy to reality.

Hero stumble his way out of the hole. He could feel a sharp stinging sensation from his right elbow as if someone stab it continuously with a dagger, sending pain as every second passes like crazy. He draw out his saber with his only usable left hand, which was quite a hustle to get used to since he is right handed.

"Andy and James." Hero scoffed and look at the duo in front of him. The two was riding on top of a gigantic beast, almost the size of the buildings beside. It was dark grey in color with murky green eyes and walk on all fours. The horn on its forehead was long, and sharp too, it was able to pierce through him like a skewer, luckily it didn't did that to him before. Its jaw were huge, with tooth and fang the shape of a palm, crushing or even slicing one half wouldn't been a problem to this monster. It was like a bull, but larger and nastier.

The two hop down from their seat, and patted the beats on its head, signaling it to stay put. Hero look at the girl, she was alright, but seem shaken by the beast's appearance. Andy and James seemed to notice she too, as they both stare at her, but the dirt and mud must've cover her identity, because they turn their head and sight back towards Hero.

"So you are the illagers huh. Laugh out loud, I still remember you telling us you are on the "royal guards." Hero mocked. "And let me guess, the ruby you left is actually signalling a clear path for your illager friends, am I right?" "And you believed it. That counts you all as stupid too." Andy snapped back. "Pathetic fool, don't you know your situation right now?" James cracked his knuckle. "I've seen worse." He prepare for the fight and point his saber towards them. "You wanna end up like your fellow friend the witch and the illager back there?" Andy pointed at the two figure tied onto the back of the beast, they seem to be unconscious, or maybe even dead.

It was Norman and Rose.

"You bastard!" Hero growled. "What are you going to do towards then!!" "Well we have our own rules for traitors." They smirked. "Where is the rest?!" He shouted and dashed towards him, he swing his saber and strike towards Andy but was dodged by him fairly easily. Hero let out another combo of kick but was blocked off easily. He seems to be able to predict his movements, or he could feel it way too precisely.

Hero strike once again but this time a punch landed his right on his abdomen. A punch so strong that he blacken out for a second, he kneel on the ground as blood spat out from his mouth. "You are weak and pathetic, Hero." Andy chuckled. "No matter how strong you are, what kind of weapons you wield, you are unmatched in front of martial arts." Hero stood up once more and was about to fight back but this time James cut in, grabbing him by his elbow and flip him over like a ragdoll, slamming his face onto the ground and throwing away his saber.

"Well now its your turn then." Andy smiled and back up, leaving the rest to his twin brother. Hero stood up once more, this time wobbly, he held his fist up and look at James. Compared to the first two strike, he was a bit reluctant this time. "Since you break an elbow…" James put his left hand into his pocket. "I shall fight you with one too." He grinned and dashed towards hero.

Hero strike with a punch, but he duck down and hug him in the stomach, pushing him, causing him to lost balance and fell down. Hero punches once more but he is able to dodge it, even there is fairly any distance between them.

At that moment, Hero realizes their gap, but it was too late.

Andy strike with his knee, forcing Hero to raise his hand up and block the attack, and that is what he wanted. Andy seize the moment and grab him by his shoulder and with another chop right at the joint, was able to dislocate his only functioning shoulder. Hero let out a scream, but before he could even take a breath, a barrage of punches was landed on him, without anything to guard on, he could only let the storm rain on him. With all his might, Hero sprang up from the ground, pushing Andy back and was able to gain some distance.

His hands felt like loosen ropes, he could feel it, but it was soft and mushy, he couldn't even land a punch with that situation. His legs were fine and maybe he could make a dash for it, but with his back at the wall, there is no escaping. Hero give a quick glare at the girl, telling her to run away, but she didn't seem to notice, or maybe she was too afraid.

Right at the moment he was about to put his attention back to his opponent, somehow he has already advanced in front of him. Hero let out a sidekick but his fist was quicker. A quick sting on his eyes, causing him to be blinded for a moment and a hit on the lower jaw, causing him to lose conscious for a split moment as he stood there unguarded and unprepared. It was follow with a kick in the knee, breaking his kneecap and forcing him to stay down flat on the ground. He grab his second leg by the joint of his legs, with a slick push, it was dislocated. The process was so smooth, so quick, so skilled that it took not more than a minute. It was perfectly planned, like a show.

"Now look at you." James backs up aside Andy and laughed. "You are like a squirming worm." They both laughed. "Know your place fool, to us you are nothing but an ant. And these insults, or should I say truth, would be the last word you would ever heard." Andy reach for the fallen saber and smirk. "Let's feel how it is to be killed by your own weapon, die under your own hands."

Hero kneel in front of the duo, barely breathing.

He was too weak.

It was no use.

The gap is too large to be filled.

Andy approached, flash out his saber and pointed at his throat, as if it was an elegant execution.

"Any last words?" Andy asked, his tone is filled with disgust and despise. Hero remain silence, he has no words, he is ashamed for himself, for being so weak. For that he couldn't protect Brine, for that he cause Captain Black to die, for that he is unable to save Norman. "Very well then." Andy lift up his saber, and Hero closes his eyes.

This is it.

"Oh big brother"

A voice suddenly sparked out of nowhere, the tip of the saber stopped right at his track. Andy and James seem to notice the voice though, as they look around, scanning, searching for something, or maybe someone.

"Didn't you inform me first for the visit?" The voice seems to be everywhere. "There!" James suddenly shouted and pointed at the wall, through the light of the burning blaze, a figure was moving towards them. It grew larger, larger and larger. Until finally the figure step out of the corner.

"Hello Ying and Yang, or from the words of my fellow guards, Andy and James. Long time since I last met you?" The figure laughed, showing off his milky white teeth. His long black hair swayed along the wind, while through his small eyes, a strange confident sensation beamed through it. His iron armor glowed alongside the blazing fire, giving him a chivalrously, powerful impression. "Oh little brother, look what you've become." Andy shake his head "Abandoning the family tradition of martial arts and seek power in the western world? Even becoming the king's royal guard? Fei, or should I say "Sir Arthur", you are a disgrace to all martial artists, to the one before us and the one shall come!"

"I maybe or did disgrace the family tradition, but it was ended in your hands. You killed our father!" His expression changed, his dark pupils locked onto the twin. "And I have the right to kill you with that. But I won't brother, I will fought and destroy you over and over, until every single piece of your soul is shattered! Surrender! Foul souls!" As if on cue, hundreds of soldiers and knights flocked into the city, surrounding the two and capturing some unlucky illagers who didn't make it out by the time. "Surrender?" The two look at each other and laughed. "Who do you think you are? And who did you think I am?" Andy threw Hero's saber towards the girl like a dagger, Arthur immediately dash forwards and deflect the incoming projectile with his sword.

Seizing the window, the duo ride onto their beast and crash through the crowd, leaving and soon completely disappear into the woods. A few soldier who tried to block the beast was flung into midair, they are injured, but luckily no death. The illagers are also all caught and locked up, what awaits them is either labor, entire life sentenced in prison or even death for their crimes.

"You are, princess Ann!" The moment Arthur take a closer look at the girl, he gasped and immediately kneel down, the rest followed. "As you please." Upon those word, only then the men stood up. "What are you doing here my majesty, it was dangerous! Did they did anything to you?" Arthur immediately asked concernly. "I am fine Arthur, I just need a rest okay." She replied, what she had experienced today was too much for her to handle. "Men!" Arthur shouted and a group of knight immediately arrived. "Send the princess back! I need her safe, unscratched and fully treated!" "Yes sire." The knight bow and immediately secure her on her trip back.

"Sir Arthur?" Suddenly one of the army shouted. "Someone is here." Arthur walk towards the army and both of them stare at Hero. "Who is this man." Arthur asked. "I am not sure sire, but he seems pretty beat up. I think we should send him to the medic for treatment." "Wait a second." Suddenly he halted. He took out a scroll and pull out a sketch. He put the sketch beside Hero and stared for a second before finally concluding:

"Send him to the prison and tie him up for answers. We've found the spy."

Hero awoke in a dark damp room.

He was simply treated, his shoulder and knee felt a little better and was bandaged up. He tried to move a bit but at that time he realized that he is chained up and tied against the wall. It was completely pitch black, he couldn't even see anything. All he could feel is the cold freezing temperature in the room, and the mold, rotten smell as if something died inside, or maybe it really is. He tried to struggle free but those metal chains aren't messing around. "Hello?" He shouted, his voice echoed in the room. "Anyone there?"

Just as he was about to shout the second time, the heavy metal door swung open. The sudden brightness that shone into the room forces Hero to shut his eyes as a figure step inside the room. "So the spy is finally awake." The metal door close with a slam. Hero open his eyes slowly and was met face to face with a boy similar to his age. He is holding a torch, the flame so bright so close that he could even fell the melting heat at his face.

"Who are you?" Hero asked and look at the boy. He must be the kind of royal similar to the girl he have met earlier. Blonde silky hair, light blue eyes, fair skin, upper class dressing, the choking smell of posh perfume and most important of all, the extremely disdain attitude towards people. "Speak for yourself you spy! Hundreds of soul are killed under your hand on last night raid! And it was all because of you!" He rolled his eyes and burst out these words with fume. "What a spy?" Hero questioned. "You thought I am the one who led the raid?"

"The "companion" that enter my kingdom with you, three of them is an illager and one of them is a witch! Do you have any words about this clear proof?" He chipped in. "Those are my friends alright. And I didn't even know that Andy and James were planning such thing!" Hero denied. "Whatever you shall say scum." The boy hung his head high, with a prince like attitude. "You shall talk with the Kings and the Council yourself. I sure you will beheaded soon enough."

As he finish his words, the door swung open once more, and this time two guards enter the room. One of them held his head still while the another injected some sort of venom into his body. "What, what did you, you do to me." The word start spinning around him, his sight start to blur as if it was bleached, if not the chains that held him up against the wall, he surely would've collapse right on the face. "Goodbye." The boy waved his hand sarcastically, before his world finally went black.