Arthur toss a key towards Hero, Hero grab it and unlock the iron pieces on his limbs. One by one, the pieces fell to the ground, the sheer weight of the pieces creates crater on the cobblestone floor of the arena. Now he knew the weight piece isn't twenty kilogram in total, it was twenty kilogram each.

He had been carrying eighty kilogram of weight for the past month.

He threw Arthur back the key and gave him a middle finger. Arthur get him a thumbs up and proceed to seat back to his seat. Hero move his limbs, for the first time in his life he felt so free, so light as if he could float to the sky. He turn back to his opponent and stood his fighting stance, his fist up on his chest, legs spread open, eyes pinned onto him. Dave let out a smirk and he crackled his knuckle. His one foot in the front and one in his back, while he keep his fist down. His jet black eyes gleamed with excitement as he stare at Hero, in which he stare back. The referee stood in between these two fighters, after they both nodded, he raise his hand up. "Fighters ready!" Hero could fell his muscle tenses, his heart beat increases, he has been training like no tomorrow for the past month, finally time to reap what he sow.


Hero advanced as soon as the words leave the referee's mouth. He lunge his fist towards Dave, in which he blocked the cross with his shoulder but his face twisted by the strength of the punch. Hero threw another cross to get his another hand up. And indeed Dave fell for it. Seizing the chance, Hero lunges his right uppercut towards his unguarded chest. This time he couldn't block it in time and was hit straight into his chest, the force send him back at the edge of the Arena, barley stopping. "You sure hit hard." He spit out the blood from his mouth. "You sure are a tough one." He finally get serious and show his fighting stance. Instead of a fist, his hand form a weird hook with his first three finger. His elbow and knee arch up in a very weird position. He lower his body to the ground, spreading his legs even wider. Right at that time Hero realizes the stance.

A praying mantis.

Hero dashes towards him and lunges a quick sting as a test, but was parry easily merely with the "hook" of his hand. Hero threw another barrage of punches but were all evaded effortlessly by Dave with his hook. Pushing them off course. Through lowering his body, Dave is able to move quicker and evade more agilely, circling around Hero. Hero threw in another punch but this time Dave was faster. He slightly bend his body and dodge the blow, in return he threw out a sting. At this distance, all Hero could do it raise his arms up to block the hit, but his hook dug deep into the flesh of his arm, Hero immediately back up, but it was too late, blood were already gushing out from the wound. Dave let out a grin and began advancing towards Hero, who stagger for a second and backs up. He now realizes the danger he is facing against.

Dave leaps towards Hero, his arms open just like a praying mantis lunging towards an unsuspecting bug. Hero immediately evade the hit, leaving hole on the concrete wall. Dave continue approaching, chasing Hero while throwing hits. Hero dodge some of them but most of them landed on his body. He threw out a few punch to keep some distance.

His entire body were punctuated, blood were gushing out from his wound like a leaking wine barrel. The pain was bearable, but what he feared the most is the blood lost. Losing too much blood would be fatal, and if that was not enough, his sight is starting to float away, his feet is shaking and struggling to stand up. Upon seeing this, Dave didn't wanted to give Hero the window to take a rest. He dart towards him, throwing more sting towards him, Hero block some of it with his arm before throwing a jab towards Dave. The punch hit Dave square at the face, but this is what he wanted.

"Go blind."

Out of nowhere a finger was thrust into Hero's eye. He didn't react in time, and the finger dug deep into his eyes socket. Hero let out a scream and immediately retreat, covering his eyes with his palm, too late, the sting has already let him go blind. Dave kneel to the ground and gasped, that was a hell of a trade.

His nose is broken and one of his tooth flung out from the hit, but it was definitely worth it. To create an invisible attack, the most effective way is to let the opponent's own body part to block off the incoming attack. Just like how Hero's own arm block and draw his attention away from the eye gouge from Dave. There is always a risk but it was definitely worth it. A blinded fighter is nothing but a tiger without its teeth and claw. He wipe away the blood from the nose and approached Hero.

All he needed right now, is to dug his finger into his throat and it will be all over.