The mantis technique.

A martial arts through imitating the move of the praying mantis, one of the apex predator ever. Through decreasing the surface area and increasing the pressure with only using three finger formed "hook", user can break concrete and pierce through defense at ease. Intense training also made the hook almost indestructible, feeling no pain. The hook like physique also allows user to parry and block every kind of attack, making this technique one of the perfect nature based martial arts.

Hero keep his hand up, he has no idea how he is able to win in a situation like this. His sight is completely blind, he couldn't even see the incoming attack, all he could do is to bear the pain as the bullets pierce through his skin and dug deep into his flesh. He threw in a few blind punches but what he did his let himself open for more hits. His body feel wet, not from the drenching sweat but also blood, he has lost too much blood, he would have be out cold if he didn't finish him quickly. But how, he is now the prey of the praying mantis, the match is about to end.

Dave walk towards him, he didn't seem to be aware about his existence though, and he keep his down all the time, turning his head as if he was searching for him. "Sorry kid." With that he lunges towards him and threw his hook towards his unguarded throat. Just when everyone thought the fight was over, something out of their mind happened.

Dave tried to struggle free but his hand is like an iron claw, there is no escaping. Hero grab him by his wrist and pull him closer, with a kick into the elbow joint, his arm completely snapped, the crunch was so loud that every people at could hear it clear with their own ears. It was like someone has just taken a bit out of a juicy carrot, but what followed was a scream of pain. Before Dave could even finish his scream, Hero lunges his knee towards him, wrap his hand around his head and plunges his face towards the incoming hit.

Toba family technique: Ascending knee

With that hit, Dave was finally out cold.

The first winner was born.

Hero stood at there, and let out a bitter laugh. He now know the reason of Arthur's first lesson. To train his instinct for all situation. And all thanks to him, he won the fight, but barely. After the referee finish his count, he wobbled and fell down, but his face is full of satisfaction, he didn't let them down.

"You really look like a Swiss cheese." This is the first word he heard when he wake up. Arthur let out a slap on his face, "And that's for the middle finger you gave me." Hero let out a dry laugh, luckily Eve was around, if not he would been a real dead meat. "You need to pay me more Arthur." Eve roll her eyes and pack up all the potions. "Sure thing, after Hero won the tournament." Eve let out a grumble and walk down the hallway of the fighter's lounge. "Where is he heading?" Hero asked as he stood up from the bed, "Restock, we needed more potions if you are getting beat up like this everytime." Arthur walk towards the glass pane of the lounge and pointed. "Looks like round two has already started."

Hero limp his way to the window. And saw two fighters taking their place. Whoever won would be his next opponent, he need to learn, or at least know what the trick up their sleeves is.