Legend has it. Once upon a time there was a Royal Knight, undefeated. He has dominated his title for decades, until one day a challenger came. Luis Hemelton, the legendary generation of Dragon Slayers, who defeated him in an epic battle of the centuries. The Knight was devastated from the defeat, his pride and ego were scattered on the ground and soon he left the Plains Kingdom to become stronger. And he found out a way. Now he is back to reclaim his title, as the strongest knight once more.

And his name was Carl.

"On the right! The living weapon! Carl Hel!!" Carl stood at his side, he is as sturdy as a mountain, his eyes were filled with wisdom and peace from within. One look at this man and we knew he was no ordinary fighter. "And on the left! The cobra of assassination! Venom!!" The man who was a lot younger than him stood at his side and greeted his opponent as well as the cheering crowds. His long silky hair swayed along the wind, he didn't seemed much stress, probably because he is sure that he would defeat this man. He took off his metal gloves, showing his sharp ,spear like fingernails. "Fighters ready!?" Both of them took their stance.


Venom leap from the ground with a sudden burst of force, sending a flying kick towards him. Carl sidestepped and dodge the hit. Venom landed and followed with a reverse roundhouse kick. Carl crouched to the ground to evade the hit as well as a lower sideswipe that let him lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Carl raises his fist and threw an overhead punch, the hit didn't get Venom, but what happened next shock the entire crowd, knights and fighters alike. A huge crater formed on the spot, almost the entire area of that arena was damages. The cobblestone floor was shattered like glass, and that was just one punch. "Chicken?" Carl look at Venom, who was already withdrawing. "Never." Venom try to play cool but he know one punch from that thing, whether he blocked it or not, it is a death sentence.

He keep his body stabilize, that was dangerous, if that situation repeat once more, he would be an goner. This time it was Carl who approaches him as Venom step back slowly. Through the tension a clear plan formed in his mind. Carl leap towards him, Venom immediately slip his way out from the attack. The destruction was like one of a giant sledge hammer, almost the entire arena was destroyed. The mere force generated from that smash was enough to send to gust of wind towards the audience.

Venom lurch towards him, striking from the back, before he could even get his hit, Carl did a sudden spinning backfist, the punch hit him right on his chest, sending him tumbling back, but that was all he needed. One cut. That would turn his tide according to the favor.

"Heh, that sure do hart." Venom stood up from the ground, blood was streaming from his mouth, his lips were coated in blood so do his teeth. He rub his chest, a visible fist mark can be seen even from afar. "But look at your shoulder." He smiled proudly. Carl do as he say, so do everyone, and what they saw make them gasp.

His shoulder was swelling up like a balloon. Within the swell were a purple like liquid. "What is this, grape juice?" Carl didn't seem shaken, he remain calm while he asked. "Word of warning, don't touch the swell, as long as you didn't wanted to melt like butter." Venom laughed, Carl didn't care and jolt towards him. Venom did a perfectly timed summersault, and dodge the attack midair before poking the swell with his finger, the digging his sharp fingernails into the swell. The swell burst like a popped balloon as corrosive acid erupt out from it. As the acid flow down onto his arm, melting away everything on its path, Venom let out a victory laughter.

When the people thought it was over, something even unbelievable happen.

The "skin" on Carl's shoulder melted, but what lies beneath it was mechanical parts. Creaking and moving like living real life muscles. "Looks like I've been found out." He tear out the rest of the decoy skin, revealing his shinny mechanical arm. The gears and pistons within it creak as he move it. "Still wanted to fight?" He look at the dumbfounded Venom and asked as he raises the metal fist. "Of course," he quickly gather up his courage and smiled. He is ready to fight this living weapon.

The two dashes towards each other and clashed together.