Taki dashes towards Vassi, Vassi immediately backs up and throw out a few whip kick. Upon seeing this, Taki wrap his arms around his head, covering his face with his palm and keeping his head in the front. He dodge some whip, but most of the whip land on him, his kimono was tear open, leaving red long burnt marks on his frail body like red snakes slithering down onto him. But he couldn't retreat, his students were looking at him, he couldn't let them down.

The only way to defeat him, is to get him right in his attack range. Suddenly the whip stops, Taki took his hands off to see but the moment he did, a leg chopped down onto his head, an axe kick. The strike hit him hard at his forehead. His head were shove into the concrete face only his body remains, but this is how his counter attack begun, his plan has succeed.

Just when Vassi approached to find out whether Taki is knock out or not, he grab his head by crossing his legs around Vassi's head, with slight force, Taki was pulled out from the ground under Vassi's help. He lock his legs onto his neck and began steamrolling his face with punches and blow from his elbow. Vassi try to shake the man off but his legs were locked onto it like metal claws. He leap onto the ground and slammed his back on the floor, smashing and crushing Taki, but all he did is make him strangle him harder and deal faster, bone crushing blows. If the blows right on his head isn't enough, he is being choked, his lungs is begging for air, he could feel blood gushing into his mind, he gotta thing fast.

With all his might he lifted up his legs and kicked, trying to use the flexibility of his leg to reach Taki from behind. The first strike misses but the second is a direct hit. The toe of his feet smashes through the glasses and dug deep into one of Taki's eye, he let out a scream and finally let go, but not after he plunge his fingers into Vassi's eardrum.

Vassi kneel to the ground and gasped while Taki backs off, holding his wounded eye with his palm. He immediately rip off a side of sleeve and bind up the wound, the white cloth was instantly dye red white, an indescribable pain make him almost pass out, but all he needed is to hold on for a while, and the fight will soon be over. He look at Vassi who just get up from the ground, and just as he predicted.

The match has already ended.

Vassi run around the match aimlessly. His white pupils were filled with confusion. Throwing random kicks at different direction, calling for Taki's name. The crowd began to gasp and chatter, is the legendary warrior of freedom defeated? Taki signaled the jury beside him that the match is over, but just when he was about to walk off stage, just when the announcer is about to declare the winner. A kick strike him right on the side of his head without any warning, Taki was flung into the wall of the arena, his back hit hard on the cold concrete wall as blood spat out from his mouth.

"You think that I am that weak Taki? You think you are the only one thinking that I rely on my hearing Taki?" Vassi walk towards the man, he pull out two sponge placed in between his ear drums, he knew people would try to disrupt his hearing, he came prepared. Taki struggles to stand up, blood were smeared onto his kimono. The entire world is spinning in his mind, everything is dissolving like a butter in a frying pan. The pain of his broken bones and crushed organs are so strong that it makes him feel numb, but he can't gave up. His students were still watching him fight, the weak still depends on him, and his dream of being the strongest weakling still isn't within his reach.

But no matter how much he denied his fate, the fight is already over.

The result wasn't into his favor.

"You are a legend, Taki." Vassi whisper in his hearts as Taki dashes towards him as his last struggling effort. He cross his rear leg along his lead leg and using his hand as a momentum and aiming through his shoulder, Vassi spun and kicks his heel towards Taki in the side of the neck, the hit was hard, but it would grant him a quick, painless defeat. As Taki feel to the ground out cold, the crowd froze, before bursting into cheers, clapping and chanting for Taki's name. "Taki, Taki, Taki, Taki…" His name echoed through the arena, Vassi didn't seem disappointed though as he ascended from the stage.

Before the announcer even spoke, Vassi turn around and signal him to stay silent, he smiled and walk back into the fighter's lounge, his face is full with satisfaction. This will be a fight he will remember for the rest of his life.

Taki Yowai, you are indeed an unbelievable man.

"Papa, why are the crowd cheering for the winners." Lucas look down from the VIP spectating room and asked. "Every people has a winner in their mind, it is about the spirit, not the spirit." Sir Luis patted him by his back. "Sometime you just can't defeat a person who wouldn't gave up." He look at Taki who was being carried from the arena by his students. They are all happy, proud of their master. Upon seeing this a similar scene flashes in his mind, but he immediately shake it off.

"Be prepare son, tomorrow is your day to prove yourself."

"And with that the first day of the tournament ended. Please exit the match and return once more for the thrill tomorrow, the price of a ticket is three emeralds and can be bought at the counter at the entrance, thank you and have a nice day." As the voice of the announcer echoing and the exciting blood pumping matchup still fresh in their mind, the crowd exited out from the arena, each returning to their own home as the sun begin to set.

"You okay master?" One of Taki's student help him down the stairs. "I'm fine. You can return home, it's getting dark." He smiled but the students insisted them to follow him to the dojo. Just when he was about to agree, Hero appears in front of them. "Mr Taki, can I have a word?" "Oh, you are Hero. You pass the elimination fight right?" "Yeah, Mr Taki can I ask for a favor." Taki seems surprised. "Me? I didn't even pass the elimination fight! Why are you asking me to help?" Suddenly Hero kneels to the ground, he bowed and shouted. "Please! Teach me the Taki Orosu Takedown!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa stand up young man." Taki and his students immediately approaches and help Hero up from the ground. "Why you are so determined to find me to help?" Taki asked. "Because you are the only one who can defeat Venom." Hero said, the determination in his eyes send a shock into Taki's spine.

"Very well then." He smiled, the wrinkles on his face became even more visible. "Bring him to the dojo, this kid got a fight to win tomorrow."