Long ago, when the nations didn't exist.

When mankind is still hiding around from the devils lurking above and beneath us.

There were clans scattered around the entire world. But one day, at a small clan at the west of the plain, disaster struck. One of the newborn was plagues with a weird disease, causing his blood to be "impure". After a lot of search, a witch told the father of the kid the one and only way to save his life.

Dragon blood.

The father hesitated at first, but his son is the only treasure he has in this world. His wife died while giving birth to him, he couldn't let him die in his hands. With everything needed, he headed towards the mystical dimension of the twilight forest. It was after a mere week, when the father returned, with the blood of the dragon in his hand.

His son is cured, and was additional given immense power, becoming the first generation of the Dragon Slayer. The future generation of the Dragon Slayer branch out as time passes, dominating the entire world. The father wrote a book of his experience and tales at the twilight forest into a journal, but when the family split due to greed and power, so do the pages. As the stories become a tales, tales into a myths, myths into a legacies, people started to doubt it. But these future Dragon Slayers is the solid proof that dragons do exist.

"The highlight of today's semifinal, the 40th generation of the Dragon Slayer, son of the strongest man ever to step foot on earth! The one and only, Lucas Hemelton!!" Luca walk into the arena, followed by the cheers of his fellow fans. He waved his hands towards his fans and the royals on the stage as well as his father, who nodded at him. He stood at his side of the arena and took off his coat, showing off his extremely well built body as well as a mark of a dragon at his torso.

The one and only mark of the Dragon Slayer.

"Against the dragon slayer! This man took out one of the strongest man ever step foot on this Arena! He fight with his heart, and win with it! The freedom fighter!! Vassi!!" Vassi walk onto the arena, cool as ever, but on his inside he was a nervous wreck. His instinct tells him that the boy in front of him was a total monster, he could fell immense power surging through him. This would be a tough match to win. "Fighters ready?!" "Sure." Lucas rub his shoulders and hopped excitedly on his feet with his fist up on his chest, ready to strike as soon as he could. Vassi nodded slightly, he didn't even dare to breath, the tension is making him crack.

"Fight!!" Lucas dashes straight towards him, almost disappearing, luckily Vassi is able to catch him and immediately back up to the left and barely evade the hit. The hit was a miss, it barely scratched over his chest, but the mere contact was enough to send him reeling back, barely stopping at the edge of the arena. "That brat." Vassi coughed out the blood and swipe away the blood from his lips. He knew that he is powerful, but he didn't expect him to be that overpowered.

"Chicken old man?" Lucas walk towards him tauntingly, his hands wide open, as if he was inviting him to attack him. "You little piece of scumbag!!" His action has completely make him mad as he jolted towards him, his feet high up, recoiling before bursting like a bullet, striking him right at the face, it was a direct hit. Lucas was push back, but he remains the same. The same hit that almost ended Mr Taki's life do no harm against this boy. Vassi continue his volley of kicks, but this kid is made out of steel, the punch connected hard, but for him it was just a mere itch. He remain the same position, hands up, eyes closed, open for any attacks, as if he was enjoying it.

"What is wrong with this kid." After almost a full minute of attacking, he do a flip and roll back to safety, gasping and panting. His legs were swollen, but Lucas were unscratched, not even a single bruise or cut. Suddenly Luca's eyes opened, Vassi immediately stood up and keep his alert high up, as he could sense the terror from him. "Done hitting?" He rub his shoulder and cracked his knuckles. "My turn." He dashes towards Vassi, this time faster. Vassi immediately stomp on the floor beneath him, the cobblestone floor shatters and with another stomp, it flips and stand up, forming a wall. Lucas lunges his punch and breaks through the wall, shattering it into pieces, but Vassi was long gone.

And in just a matter of seconds, the entire arena was filled with "walls", disrupting the fight and turning the tables completely. "Where are you old man!?" Lucas shouted, he was getting impatient, stomping the ground as he gritted his teeth. "Show yourself coward!" Vassi hid behind one of the walls, he didn't wanted to fight this way, but their gap is way too wide to fill in. A head on fight is almost a death sentence, he has no idea but to fight that way.

The walls didn't seem to affect Vassi, since he relies on his other senses, so although with the walls set up, he could still sense his presence, every single action of his is within his grasp. Vassi chip down a part of the wall and flick it against one of the wall. "Got you!" Luca immediately dashes towards the wall, smashing it into pieces, just then Vassi lunges towards him and stomp him by the head before retreating, disappearing once more in the forest of walls.

This continues for quite an amount of time. He would sometimes throw a stone toward him, or a needle curled up by his own hair, distracting him before landing a kick or stomp. Of course these attack didn't really work, but all he wanted is for him to loose patient, and follow his trap off the edge. He has already totally gave up the idea of knocking him out, all he could do now is stay patient, stay hidden and play the waiting game.