"Fuck." Luca pull out another needle of hair from his tight as red oozes out from it, it has been almost half an hour by now, and yet he keeps on messing around with. His patience is growing through the roof by now, he felt insulted, he felt that he was being toyed in his grasp. Just when he was thinking, another elbow attack hit him by the back of his head, he turn around, furious but Vassi was no longer to be seen. He look at his father watching him above the arena, his father stare back, and that one look is like a button of a time machine. His thoughts flew out of the arena, away from this world and back to his first fight against his father…

That was the day, for the first time in his life, he met a formidable foe.

Someone who is as strong as him.

Someone who could hold a punch of his without breaking a bone.

Someone even stronger than him.

"You are too anxious, son." Luis grab his incoming fist by the wrist, Lucas let out a grunt but found out he was unable to set free. He let out a chopping kick but was dodged easily with a sidestep. He try to break free from his hand but it was almost impossible, those fingers were like metal claws, chaining him completely. He strike with another sidekick but was blocked by his elbow, Luis finally counter with a punch at his face, sending him stumbling into the corner of the room.

Lucas stood up once more, he didn't even care about the dribbling blood running on his nose, he dashes towards him throwing a barrage of punches but were all dodged fairly easily by him. He grab him by his head before elbowing him right in the face. "You know why you are losing?" He lift his head up by his hair, a stinging painful sensation can be felt on the scalp of his head. He isn't trying to stop though as he lunges another punch, but was interrupted by another elbow, he finally stopped.

Luis let out a sigh as he let go of him. "Your objective today is to let me move my foot away from this circle and you can't" He sighed. "You are too anxious, always thinking your punches will land. Sure you are quick, fast, strong with that dragon blood in your veins, but remember, it makes you predictable, and no punches will hit if they already know where is it going to land." Lucas struggles to get up from the floor, he spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth as he leaned against the wall. "If you are so strong then tell me what should I do? Tell me then." "Be patient, keep calm. A true fighter are those who could predict any blow or hit before the enemy even strikes. Be the predictor, not the predicted."



I guess I will stay calm if he wanted so badly.

Lucas close his eyes and take a deep breath.

Vassi hid behind a wall, why did it went so quiet so sudden? A bead of swear trickled down from his cheeks, he felt genuine fear. He is still standing there, but he is not, moving. Not even a slightest move. Didn't he just make a huge racket moments ago? Why did he suddenly changed so fast.

Did he….. Found me?

That idea flashes into his head. But he immediately shook it out, trying to get rid of another round of panic attack. If not then why did he stay so still? Thousands and millions of possibilities flashes in his head, but he managed to stay calm. He knew if he is able to found him at this situation, he would be dead, the walls might be covering him for now, but it isn't much of a help if he is find out.

Ten minute and twelve seconds have passed.

Vassi counted the exact time in his heart. The game has changed from a waiting game into another waiting game, this time it was Lucas waiting for him. His heart gets more and more uneasy as every second ticks by, the unpredictable towards the unknown was genuine fear and he still isn't moving. He couldn't stay like this forever, after a lot of debate in his heart, he finally decided to move his spot, he stood up from his location and glide towards another, trying to be as swift as a snake with oiled belly. When he arrived at the other side of the wall, he pressed his hands against it to absorb the friction of the dash and tries to be as cautious as possible and avoid colliding to it. Although he tries his best to keep his move silent, that one slight press causes a chip of the wall to crumble and fell to the ground.


The small chip the size of a speck fell from the wall and hit to the ground, the small unnoticeable sound was enlarged in Lucas ear, right at the instance, everything shaped in his mind. The walls, Vassi, the chips, the cracks, as if he had gain a vision beyond the five senses. He let out a grin.

Before Vassi could even take a breath, the wall behind him shattered into pieces by a punch the force of a cannonball. Lucas dashes towards him, his fist balled like a wrecking iron ball and high up in the sky, his eyes fumed with excitement while his lips bent with happiness.

The predator has finally found his prey.

"Got you."