Vassi immediately backs up, but the fist is right in front of him, just centimeters away from impact. He immediately exhale, his stomach balled up, trying to decrease the force of impact by increasing the surface area of the match but it was too late, a direct hit right at his torso.

He was sent flying immediately as blood spat out from his mouth. He slammed onto the wall of the arena hard, he dug his toes into the wall to spread the force of the hit onto the wall like how once Mr Taki does but he couldn't. Maybe it is the fact he didn't have his arms, or maybe it is a fact that the force is way too large to hold with. Either way, his pain didn't stop there, when the crowd thought he would stop, he suddenly burst out from the wall, slamming into another. He tries again to stop but the force didn't. He was ricochet around the entire arena, slamming into the walls hard before bouncing off once more like a ball, leaving crater after crater. The crowds, even Hero look at the scene with pain.

But Vassi hasn't gave up either. Every impact he try to move his position a little, this is his last ditch effort, to return his favor back to Lucas.

Final style: Revert strike

This was an extremely dangerous technique, through gathering the force from the previous hit on a specific location with muscles and organs as transport before bursting out with a strike. It was a soul for a soul, if ones failed his organs are squashed and every single bone of his would be crushed, paralyzed for life, or even worse, death. He counted the bounce before finally, the angle is aligned perfectly. As he was flung towards him, he raise his leg high.

Time to counter.

"Fell the pain, old man? Told you not to mess around my tempe-" Lucas didn't seem to sense the danger as he turn around, right when the attack was contact, just centimeters away from his face. The hit strike right on him, a huge crack can be heard, as if the sky was split apart. The arena was completely destroyed, shattered as debris and chips flung our like bullets, bursting with insane force. As the dust settle down, the crowd finally can see the winner in front of them.

Lucas stood there, the ground beneath him sank as he grab Vassi's leg with his both hand. His hands were completely destroyed from the strike, the amount of pressure has made his blood vessels pop, visible to the naked eye as blood burst out from it. With all his might he shove Vassi away before gasping. "That was dangerous." The bones of his elbow were completely shattered, he couldn't even move or feel the lower part of his arms. His ears are still humming from the huge crack before as he stood there wobbly, his leg shook furiously, he could felt as if thousands of flies were flying and resting on his legs, it is just the mere aftermath of the hit. He couldn't imagine if that hit was connected with his head, he would be split into half like a sliced cake.

"You surely are one hell of a brat." Lucas' head lifted out from those words, barely even a whisper. He stare at Vassi, one of his legs were snapped from the hit as a cost. "So long kid." With that he spat out his final cough of blood, before falling down, unconscious. "We have a winner!!!" The announcer declared, but the crowd couldn't cheer, some part within them hoped that Vassi would win, but the result is right in front of their eyes, they couldn't deny what they see.

The freedom fighter has fallen.

"Heh, you won the match old man." Lucas let out a bitter smile as he walk towards Vassi, he stood at there for a second before finally let out a deep breath and bowed. "Hope we will fight someday." He mummer under his breath before turning around, passing through the medic team rushing towards Vassi.

He walk along the dark, damp hallway connecting the arena with his lounge. He won, but he felt no sense of joy or satisfaction. He start to doubt the sense of winning, is it the pride of standing on top? Or joy that your power and skill has been accepted by the people?

He has no idea.

"What's that look. Just get your soul booted out?" His thoughts was disrupted by a snicker, he lift his head up and met straight with Hero who was waiting for him beside the entrance of his lounge. "Never expected you to be that tough." Hero let out a smirk as he tapped on his chest jokingly. "You too, amazed how you didn't die by now." He say scornfully as he push away his hand. "Don't die tomorrow then." "No I won't, I hope you won't too." Hero stare at him as he glare back, both of their fiery sight clashes.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day.