[MAYBE I've been too harsh on Graham.]

Eclaire couldn't sleep after scolding Graham.

So here she was right now, lying on her bed while staring at the ceiling. Although she was aware that overthinking wouldn't get her anywhere, she couldn't help but replay the scene in her head again and again.

[I should apologize to Graham tomorrow.]

"Unnie, why do I have to sleep in your room?" Yeri, who was lying down beside her, complained. "And why do you still keep that stun gun on the table? Eomma already told you that Graham Oppa isn't a dangerous person."

"It's better to be safe than sorry," Eclaire said, then she turned to her sister. She may not share a drop of blood with Yeri since they were only stepsisters. But ever since she came into their family, she had already treated her like her own sister. "So please, Yeri. Be careful, too. You're being too chummy with a person you just met."

"But I feel like I've known oppa for so long because I've been following his story for so long," her sister said. "Unnie, I really want to date Graham oppa."

She let out a deep sigh.

[Yeri is treating Graham like her favorite Kpop idol.]

"Yeri-ya, Graham is a lonely child," she said carefully and gently because she didn't want Yeri to feel like she was scolding her. "He's a child who yearns for love and attention even if he knows that it's not sincere."

Yeri softly gasped and covered her mouth as if she just realized her mistake.

"What will you do if Graham believes that you like him romantically when in reality, you just want to make Jaehyun jealous?"

Her sister's face turned red as if the truth embarrassed her. "How did you know that, unnie?"

"I know your feelings very well, Yeri-ya," she said softly. "Please don't use a lonely child like Graham for your selfish reasons. Treat him with sincerity and offer him what you could offer at the moment– and that is friendship."

Yeri nodded and thankfully, it seemed like her message reached her sister properly. "Thank you, unnie," she said sincerely. "But you know…"


"You're only a year older than Graham oppa," Yeri said, then she giggled. "It's funny when you call him a "child.""

Eclaire just smiled and closed her eyes. "How can I not treat him like a child when he acts like one?"


ECLAIRE went back inside the mansion after talking to ahjussi (their driver).

She found Yeri washing the dishes while Graham was cleaning the table. They just had breakfast and even though she insisted to help, both Yeri and Graham told her that she didn't have to.

[Thankfully, Yeri is no longer forcing Graham to date her.]

"Graham," Eclaire said as he approached the guy. "I already talked to ahjussi– our driver. After sending us to school, he'll accompany you."

Graham tilted his head to one side. "Accompany me where?"

"Anywhere you want to. Ahjussi will serve as your tourist guide," she explained, then she handed him her credit card and her extra phone. "You know how to use these, don't you?"

He nodded. "We also use credit cards and handphones in our world."

"Uh-huh," she said. "You may use the card to buy whatever you need or want as long as you give me the receipt. And if something happens, call me. My phone number is saved with my name. Ah, I'll teach you the passcode."

Yeri, who was now wiping her wet hands with a towel, giggled while watching her and Graham's interaction. "Unnie, you're acting like a mommy again. No wonder your group of friends calls you 'eomma.'"

Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment. Then she looked up at Graham who was looking at her innocently. "Am I being too nosy?"

Graham shook his head and smiled softly at her. "Thank you for taking care of me, noona."

She froze when she heard what he just called her.

'Noona' was an honorary title used by younger males to address older sisters or older females. But Graham wasn't Korean so…

She glared at Yeri and hoped that her sister understood the look that she was giving her at the moment.

[Why did you teach Graham to call me 'noona?']

Yeri avoided her gaze and bolted out of the kitchen. "I'll tell ahjussi to start the car now!"

She wanted to sigh but she didn't want to look annoyed so she quickly regain her composure.

"Is something the matter, noona?"

Eclaire smiled awkwardly at Graham. "Nothing, Graham," she said, then she quickly changed the topic. "Let's go."

Graham smiled brightly at her. "Okay, noona."

Eclaire didn't know why a simple honorary title would make her heart flutter like that.


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