[IS THIS my end?]

Eclaire prepared herself for the worst.

Even though she didn't want to die yet, she'd still pass away in peace as long as Yeri was fine.

[Mom, Dad, I'm sorry for leaving you behind…]

However, she soon realized that she was overthinking.

She heard a chilling exchange of angry growls that only animals could make.

When she opened her eyes, relief flooded her system when she saw a beautiful silver wolf biting the neck of the Lycan on the ground while whimpering in pain.


She smiled after seeing that Graham had successfully transformed into a Wolf!

[He's smaller than expected, though.]

The Wolf King was described to be twice the size of an adult wolf. However, the current Graham looked smaller than an average wolf– perhaps he was around 32 inches tall?

She wasn't discouraged, though.

Graham was dominating the fight.

[As expected of the future Wolf King!]

She clenched her hands and silently supported Graham. If it wouldn't be a distraction, she would have cheered out loud. However, the situation required for her to be as quiet as possible.

[I need to hide…]

But there was no place to hide, and she didn't want to disappear from Graham's sight.

Although she hated depending on other people, especially those younger than her, she had no choice but to rely on the Wolf.

[If only I could help Graham…]

She flinched when the Lycan managed to push off Graham.

This time, the beast straddled the Wolf while mauling the latter's face with its sharp and hard claws. Just like that, the tables were turned.

She felt her heart break every time Graham let out an agonizing growl.

The black gas leaking out from the Lycan's body seemed to have paralyzed Graham. And now, the poor Wolf couldn't fight back.

[Graham is bleeding all over…]

Eclaire bit her bottom lip while clenching her hands tight. "If only I have the power to send that Lycan back to where it came from…"

She only whispered that to herself.

However, it seemed like some sort of deity had listened to her.

After all, her inner wrist suddenly got warm. When she raised her right arm to check, she saw the same mark that Graham called as the mark of a 'Luna.'

[I was able to close the Cage because of this. But will it help me open one?]

Her question was answered when, suddenly, the ground shook hard when something huge and heavy fell from the sky.

When she raised her head to check on what it was, she was once again shocked.

A Cage appeared behind Lycan.

Then the door suddenly swung open. The swirl of blackness inside the Cage seemed to have sucked Lycan in because the beast just floated in the air on its own. Based on its growl, it seemed confused as to why the Cage was sucking it in.

The Lycan tried to grab Graham, but the Wolf rolled over in order to avoid its long limbs.

[Thank goodness!]

She was relieved when Graham managed to get away from the Lycan.

And the best news?

The Lycan finally disappeared when the swirl of blackness swallowed it.

She thought the problem was over.

In fact, she was only waiting for the door to close and the Cage to disappear. To be honest, she didn't want to touch it even though she knew she could close it. After all, she felt bad vibes from it.

However, it seemed like it wasn't up to her.

Graham, who already returned to his human form, turn to her. Then his clear, blue eyes went wide while looking at her in shock. "Eclaire noona!"


Eclaire only realized the danger she was in when her body suddenly floated towards the Cage as if it was sucking it in– fast.

The next thing she knew, everything went black.


"HEY, WAKE up."

Eclaire groaned in complaint.

Her entire body hurt like hell, and her eyelids were still too heavy from sleepiness. In short, she didn't want to wake up yet.

"Five minutes," Eclaire said sleepily. "Just five more minutes, Mom…"

"I'm not your mother."

That voice certainly didn't sound like her mother.

It sounded like a young man, but it also didn't sound like Graham.

[Wait– Graham!]

That was when she remembered everything that had happened before she lost consciousness.

They were chased by a Lycan…

Graham, in his Wolf form, fought the beast…

Then a Cage appeared…

[And that Cage swallowed me!]

Eclaire, despite her aching body, opened her eyes and got up abruptly. "Graham!"

"I wonder if we have the same 'Graham' in mind."

She gulped because when she finally calmed down, she realized that a sword was pointed at her…

… while she was sitting on some dry soil.

[And it's very humid here.]

"I know you, lady."

"And your voice is familiar, sir," Eclaire said, then she gulped before she gathered the courage to look up. "Have we met before…"

She trailed off.

Red hair.

Golden eyes.

Bronze skin.

[And that school uniform…]

Black blazer over a black dress shirt, black pants, and shiny black Oxford shoes. It looked plain at first, but the golden school crest on the left side of the blazer looked elegant.

Eclaire gasped. "Nathaniel Ystraughffe?"

Nathaniel Ystraughffe was the bad Crown Prince from the novel The Unwanted Wolf King. He was also Graham Wolfenstein's (bully) half-older brother.

They already met before, back when she somehow entered the "book."

And during that time…

"You punched me in the face," Nathaniel Ystraughffe said bitterly. "So, did you appear in the Cage to punch me again?"

Eclaire's eyes went wide. "We're inside a Cage?!"

[Did I enter Graham's world again?]


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