IT WAS DISTRACTING to cook while the mark on her inner wrist was shining.

But Eclaire had to do what she came there for– to cook streak for Graham, Mino, and Alexis. Hence, she just ignored her mark acting up and continued cooking the monster meat with the help of Chef Mason.

With the head chef's help, she was able to finish cooking the steak for five people.

[The extra one is for Rekker, and the other one…]

"Lady Eclaire, are you really going to taste it?" Chef Mason asked worriedly. "The monster meat that we serve in school is safe and clean. Even non-Transformation Type students eat them. It's also considered a delicacy in our world. However, my lady came from another world, so I'm afraid this dish might upset your stomach."


She was touched that the head chef was concerned about her well-being.