NATHANIEL was surprised at how caring Eclaire was while he was having a nosebleed.

She asked him to sit down and pinch the soft part of his nose firmly. Then she asked him to lean forward and breathe through his mouth. He had been in that position for fifteen minutes now.

[To be honest, I could just drink a healing potion.]

But, for some reason, he liked the way Eclaire cared for him.

"Did it stop bleeding now?" Eclaire asked worriedly while handing him her handkerchief. "Are you dizzy? Nauseous?"

"I'm fine," Nathaniel said, wiping the blood off his nose using Eclaire's handkerchief since his hanky was already dirty with his blood. "My nosebleed already stopped."

"That's a relief to know," she said. "But to be sure, why don't you go to the clinic and have the school doctor check on your condition?"

"Should I?"

"I mean, why not?" she said, shrugging. "You're the Crown Prince. It's your responsibility to stay healthy."