REKKER knew Wolves were vicious, but he was reminded of it once again after seeing Graham in his wolf form attack a Lycan.

Graham in his wolf form was beautiful, even when his fur was covered in the monster's blue blood.

Everyone was stunned.

Hence, nobody moved even when more monsters came out of the Cage.

They didn't have to.

After all, Graham also took care of those monsters.

Right after the Wolf took care of the monsters who got out of the Cage in the same manner he killed the Lycan, Graham then entered the Cage alone.

Rekker and the others only snapped out of their trance when the doors closed. "Huh? Did Graham just enter the Cage alone?"

"Yes, hon," Meri, who was standing behind him while holding onto his shoulders, said. "Prince Graham entered the Cage alone!"

Rekker said. "It's an A-level Cage..."

They couldn't determine the Cage's level at first.