Prison Break

"Right," My mum said, "If you don't mind excusing me for a moment, I've just got to pop to the loo.

With that she was gone, shuffling up the stairs before anyone else could even think of saying anything. I had a feeling that she might have gone to have a little cry, which only twisted the knife in my chest a little bit further.

I heard one of the other chairs by the table scrape backward against the floor, so shut my eyes tight and pretended that I was sleeping.

"About as convincing as a dog playing dead, that," Lauren said, her tone lighter than I'd heard it for a while, "Reckon my story convinced her?"

I thought about it, it probably had but, "I don't exactly like lying to my mum."

"Well yeah, we did all the lying for you. No harm no foul, right?" Lauren said, "Well, unless you want to tell her the truth, that is."

"Well obviously not," I sniped back, "But I don't what you here…"

I regretted saying it almost the exact moment the words came out of my mouth.