Interlude of a Villainous Mother Part 3

As she approached the top floor of the building, she saw that there was a room still with its lights on.

His office.

He stayed late to work longer and longer hours every day that they were married, so really she wasn't surprised at all that he was still there.

He was writing something on a piece of paper, no doubt signing off on some deal or another.

As she drew closer to the room and her own flickering flames slowly took over the meagre lights that he was using.

He swivelled on his chair to face her, and as she drew closer to the window she could make out his very pleased smile.

She cursed him just as much as she cursed the sudden twist of attraction in her belly and the flutter of her heart.

He was six years older than her, almost 37 now, and yet he still managed to be the most attractive man that she had ever laid eyes on.

Even the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes only served to make him look hotter, in a refined and aged kind of way.