Holding On

The teleporting speedster was stumbling across the street, no doubt as it warped and twisted around him just like it had done to Wildthing and me as we approached Plasmid and the energy person.

Even as he tried to use his powers, flashing between one point to the next, it was seemingly useless. He just couldn't get his balance and kept tripping over his own feet, at one point landing flat on his face.

"Wildthing, now!" I yelled, pointing towards where the villain had fallen over.

Loper's response was delayed, but fast enough to get him away just moments before she brought her claws down around his throat.

He popped back into existence a few feet to her right.

"On your right!" I directed.

She turned and pounced, Loper's reactions were even slower this time, but he still had just enough time to throw himself backwards, lashing out with two more throwing knives just before he disappeared.