Dual Cultivator Qin Appeared/ Yue Bin Loyalty

/// I was shaking when I wrote this chapter. I was totally excited.

After putting the Supreme Immortal Pagoda inside his mysterious space, he walked away. He went to his friends. Now that everything was finished, they had to leave.

Instead of creating a clone here, he decided to reach the Saint Realm and create a clone since it can reassure him more than ever.

"So, did you finish it?" Lan Ming asked when he saw Qin arriving on the beach. They were currently just chatting with each other.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded his head.

"So, are we still waiting?" Zhao Tan asked as he was excited to enter the Saint World.

"Nope! Let's leave right now. As for the clone, I will manage it later. For now, my sword energy is enough to protect them." Qin said as he shook his head which surprised them. They thought he would definitely practice that clone art and leave the clone before leaving.