Summoning Immortal Demon

"Are you an idiot? Do you think we would just let you rule us because of your fancy tricks? Don't forget there are millions of real beings facing your swords." The dragon who was floating in the middle roared towards Qin.

Then, he turned at other fellow dragons and creatures, shouting "Everyone, use everything you got to block. We will die but we will not surrender!"


Everyone roared from the ground, shaking the entire dragon world. At this moment, a massive amount of energy is combined with their bodies. All of them held their weapons tightly as they prepared a stance.

"If that's what you choose!"

Qin's expression turned cold as he dropped all of his swords. Each sword carried the power to tear a Heavenly Saint apart. Even if there were millions of them, so what?

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

"Hit them with everything you got!"