Real and Virtual World

Somewhere far into the space,

There was a man slowly floating around. Although it seemed like was floating slowly, each second, he was crossing a universe. Behind him, there was a beautiful woman.

Under that man's foot, there was a sword. He was holding a tower in his hand. This tower was the same tower inside Qin's bloodline and in the hand of that lady, there was another tower.

"Was it so hard to meet your own son?" The lady behind him asked. The man in the red sword turned around and shook his head.

"I don't want to face him now. Because I don't want him to love me."

Hearing his words, small droplets of tears fell down her cheeks.

"Why are you always so selfish?"

The man turned around and looked at the endless space.

"Do you know I absolutely envy Brother Mike? I wasn't like Brother Xiao or Brother Ji. I was just like him. But, I changed. My fate changed me and I became what I am today."