Qi Equals Zero

His Name was Huey Ethal and today would be his first day of Martial Arts High School.

He lived in the Central Region and was adopted by the famous Martial Artist Aharon Ethal saying he had found him in the Woods a Year ago.

Who was by the way his Grandpa. He had long grey hair and black eyes with a white beard he was wearing a black Gi at the moment.

He did have children but they died in a war and he adopted him saying Huey had a good martial arts talent.

He did teach him some useful martial arts so Huey was quite grateful.

"Am Leaving Gramps" Huey said as Aharon waved Huey off

Huey was excited as this was his first time going to a High School.

As he left the Villa he saw a young feminine Boy around the same age as him standing outside.

"Yo I have been waiting for ya" he said

Huey had said that his Grandpa's children died in a war but his children had a child of they're own his Name was Asriel Ethal.

He was Huey's Brother if it weren't for his flat chest you might mistaken him for a girl. He had black long hair and blue eyes.

He wore a sweater just like Huey and some normal black jeans.

"Ye let's go" Huey said

They made their Way towards their Martial Arts High School. Huey would be transferring as a 2nd Year as for Asriel this was his first day as a 2nd Year as the Semester just began.

It didn't take long for them to arrive. Many Martial Artist were standing there. People who wanted to start their Martial Arts Journey and People who were here for the 2nd or 3rd Year also known as the final year.

"Well I'm of we are in different classes after all" Asriel said waving a goodbye towards Huey

"Sigh now I was truly all alone" Huey thought. "Well I gotta make my way to Class anyway" Huey thought

"Hello my Name is Huey Ethal nice to meet you" Huey said

Huey introduced himself as the Teacher instructed. Everyone was shocked they have probably heard the rumors about him. Soon Huey's Classmates Eyes turned into Eyes of Disgust.

They started whispering things like

"He was the one adopted by the Ethal Family or He must have learned a bunch of good Martial Arts skill because he was adopted"

"Damn it my First Day has already turned into shit" Huey thought

Tho everyone was shocked there was a single girl who was shocked for a entirely different reason.

She was the famous pop star known as Serena Blaze.

"I remember him it was a Year ago at the Concert in the Southern Region he was unscratched after I shot a Fire Blast at him" Serena thought

Huey went to his Seat that was all the way back on the left row next to the Window. As he looked at his Neighbor he was shocked that was the famous Pop Star Serena Blaze.

Huey wanted to start a conversation with her but he realised Serena gave off the Serena saying

"Don't you dare talk to me"

"Since this is the First Day of the 2nd Year I want to see your improvements in Martial Arts we will have some sparring matches" The Teacher said

They went towards the Sparring Ground. They wore some Sparring Gear.

"pretty lame just a grey gear with simple knee pads" Huey thought disappointed

Soon Enough battles began. People were celebrating or enjoying the Fights while Huey was sulking for being all alone.

"Serena and Huey please come to the Stage" The Teacher said

"You had to be kidding me my Sparring Match would be against Serena" Huey thought.

"Did the Teacher had something against me?" Huey couldn't help but think

"Welp I'm going to tell Asriel and Grandpa to set up my Gravestone because today would be the day I would be dieing"

As Huey arrived on Stage Serena looked at him coldly.

"Was it because I was adopted to the Ethal Family no scratch that is it that I might know her?" Huey thought

"My Grandpa told me that when he found me in the Woods he went for a Doctor and he said I had lost my Memories" Huey continued

"Get ready because am not going to hold back like last time" She said

"Yep I definitely knew her from the past" Huey thought coming to a conclusion.

Taking out his Black Gloves everyone started to give Huey a confused look to look.

"Why the Hell are you bringing out Gloves?" Serena asked clearly angry

"Well the Thing is... I don't have a slightest bit of Qi" Huey said scratching the back of his Head

Awaiting him was Silence.

"HUH!!" Everyone shouted even the Teacher himself

"How the Hell did he get adopted by the Ethal Family" A Classmate said

And so People started whispering or gossiping about him

"Sigh my First Day of School might become the worst day of my life" Huey sighed

The Teacher raised his Hand in the Air saying


"Well this Day can't be getting any worst" Huey muttered as as he rushed towards Serena, Serena doing the same.

So had a battle begone that would be changing the relationship Huey and Serena would be having in the Future.