The End of a Fight

The Girl didn't answer but instead gave me a Kiss causing me to look at her in confusion. Why the hell did she just kiss me? Suddenly my Right Arm started to heat up. It felt like it was on fire.

His Eyes awoke as he saw Serena's Face above him. It was obvious that she was unconscious. It didn't take him long to notice the Red Wings that were slowly disappearing.

They were formed like a Shield.

"So she was Shielding me"

But the Thing that surprised him the most was that all his Wounds were healed.

"How did Serena do that?"

"No now is not the Time to be asking myself these kind of Questions"

"I need to defeat this Guy and bring Serena to the Hospital as fast as possible"

"My Right Arm is still feeling like it is getting reformed What did that Girl do to me?"

The Shield had fully disappeared showing the Black Haired Boy

"Oh your awake?" He said quite surprised

Huey immediately stood up getting ready to give him a punch.

"He never learns" The Boy thought chuckling to himself

But once the Fist collided with his Face the Black Haired Boy was send flying.

"WHAT?" He thought as he was flying

Not only did he get damage he was send flying.

"It worked" Huey thought as he clenched his right fist

His right Arm was starting to turn black with red marks on it. He still couldn't comprehend what had just happened with it.

But he didn't wanted to comprehend what had happened with it if he could defeat the Boy infront of him it would be worth the Arm.

"That must have been a fluke" He thought as the Boy stood up

"You have gained my Respect what's your Name?" He asked

Huey couldn't tell him that he was from the Ethal Family that would be causing his Gramps and Asriel unnecessary trouble.

"Huey Solomon" Huey said

His Grandpa had told him that, that was his old Name but since he was adopted by the Ethal Family he changed it.

"My Name is Akira remember the Name well because this will be the last one you will ever hear" He said as rushed at the Boy with dreadlocks maniacally

As he was about to grab him Huey punched him across the Jaw with his Right Fist causing him to have a Face of surprise.

But he didn't stop there he started giving him continuous hits across the Face jabbing him.

"How the Hell is he doing that" Akira thought

"You might be asking yourself why am I getting this Hits it's simple you haven't got any Basic Martial Arts Training a Guy like you wouldn't know how to have a simple Martial Arts Fight" Huey said

Throughout the whole Fight he had noticed that Akira was fighting by Instinct. Everything he did wasn't boosted by Qi his Speed his Strength was by his Body alone.

Huey guessed because he had such a abnormal Body he didn't even bother learning basic Martial Arts.

"How am I getting hit what is that right Hand of his?" Akira thought

Huey noticed that he could only damage him with his Right Arm. But he probably had noticed as well.

"AHHHHHH" Akira shouted

It was a shout of annoyance.

"You really pissed me off" Akira said

His Face was bruised and bloodied but suddenly Qi started emitting from him. Huey was more than surprised.

"Shit so he could use Qi"

His Hands started glowing

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA" He laughed as he punched the air

Huey was confused why did he just- A FIRE BLAST came out of nowhere making him barely dodge.


In a instant 10 fire Blast were here. He couldn't dodge them all making them pierce his Body.

But why wasn't he immune to Fire what kind of Fire was it.

Blood splashed out of his Body making him collapse onto the Ground. Even tho Serena had given him her Phoenix Tears he would lose?

Huey stood up even tho he was in such pain even tho he just wanted to lie down and sleep he wouldn't let Serena's Gift go to waste he wouldn't let it happen

"So you survived thought you were dead already. For those hits you gave me you gotta die!!" He rushed at Huey

Huey could barely move he was infront of him in less than a second but in that second a Staff manifested in his Hand.

In that millisecond the Staff had expanded touching Akira's Stomach.

"HAAAAAA" Huey shouted as the Staff kept expanding with Akira

"WHAT" Akira shouted as he was flying away with the Staff hitting his Stomach

"NOOOOO" He shouted

He punched the Staff with all his might turning it into smithereens creating a massive shockwave.

While he was in midair Huey jumped up Akira was readying his Fist so was he.

The one who would be the Victor of this Fight the One who would be deciding this Fight would be the Faster one.

"This Fight all the pain I went through and... Serena. I needed to win this Fight at all cost" Huey thought have a light of determination shine through his Eyes

"HAAAAAAAAAAA" Huey shouted letting out a Battle Cry

He punched him across the Face once again sending him flying into the Ground.

Akira's Last thought's before he was knocked out were

"How did I... lose?" As he collided with the Ground

Huey didn't know if he was knocked out but he had to worry about something else.

How he was going to land. He started panicking while his Right Arm started turning back to normal.

He crashed into the Ground "BOOM." Shit he might have broken a Rib or something.

He wanted to check if Akira was unconscious but then he remembered he needed to bring Serena to the Hospital as fast as possible.

He went to Serena and carried her on his Back giving her a piggyback.

"Serena tho you might be unconscious the Battle has been won" Huey thought with a faint smile