"Ice Pack"

Lai Jiayi stiffened. The girl just couldn't say anything to Yaya.

'What...what's going on? My forehead is cold.'

Lai Jiayi was wondering what happened while still keeping her face facing Zhao Yang's direction.

'Did someone place an ice pack on my forehead– '

"Mmm. She has to lay on her back, " Zhao Yang suddenly mumbled. The guy retracted the ice pack and abruptly stood up. The chair creaked, startling Lai Jiayi.

'Eh, Zhao Yang moves? What is he doing?'

The girl's question was soon answered. She could feel the guy approach her, and his towering body blocked the faint sunlight coming from the transparent ceiling.

Zhao Yang was now right above Lai Jiayi. The guy stood there as he stared at the girl.

Lai Jiayi subconsciously held her breath.

'What's now?! Did I annoy him?? Wait, he is still here??'

The girl's face turned red without her realizing it, and Zhao Yang noticed this. But, the man mistook it for the girl's fever worsening.

'I need to place the ice pack right away. But this will be hard if this girl doesn't face the ceiling. So...let's help her.'

Zhao Yang hurriedly placed the ice pack on his hand to the chair. Once he made sure the ice pack won't fall, the man stretched both of his hands toward Lai Jiayi's shoulders.

"Excuse me, " Zhao Yang spoke in a small voice, asking for Lai Jiayi's permission even when he knew the girl wouldn't answer.

Right after he said so, Zhao Yang bent his back and slowly pushed Lai Jiayi's shoulder to the bed so she would sleep with her back against the bed.

Lai Jiayi felt her body was moved to the right, and the world spun around for a moment. A strong force just pushed her shoulder until her back completely touched the bed.

'...what? What? What's going on– '

As if it wasn't enough, Zhao Yang tucked in Lai Jiayi's blanket and suddenly patted the girl's belly. His gentle touch felt light yet warm at the same time.

Even though there was a blanket separating the man's hand from the girl's belly, somehow, Lai Jiayi could feel the heat coming from Zhao Yang's hand.

"There, there. Sleep tight, " the man whispered as he put back the ice pack to Lai Jiayi's forehead. Zhao Yang then retracted his hand and sat down again, acting as if nothing happened.

He crossed his legs once more before continuing his work with the hologram panel popping out in front of his eyes.

Lai Jiayi fell silent. The girl's breath almost stopped for real. Her chest was pounding heavily that she could even hear the sound of her heartbeat.


The rhythm was chaotic. It just felt like thousands of beasts run rampant in the girl's heart.


Lai Jiayi's mind turned black, just like the sky slowly turning dark. The sun had set down, leaving no lights behind.

At the same time, the light bulbs decorating the wooden room just automatically lit up. The yellow-orange-ish light somehow created a warm atmosphere.

It could even be counted as romantic.

Lai Jiayi squeezed her eyes tightly. She didn't dare to open her eyes, and could only shout to Yaya in her mind.

[Yaya, come back, quick! I'm going crazy!! I might die!!] Lai Jiayi clutched her blanket as if it was the only shield she had.

[What, quack– ]

[This is too much. I'm alone with Zhao Yang in my room, ah!!] Lai Jiayi wanted to pull her hair out, but then she paused.

'Eh, but Tianjin should be here too, right? I just didn't see her– wait. Zhao Yang asked that swan to find Zhao Yun, right?'

Lai Jiayi's heartbeat increased.

'Then...then...I...I am truly alone??'

Her heart was about to burst. The girl felt it was so suffocating, but she didn't know whether it was because of her fear of men or not.

[Yaya, come back, please!!] Lai Jiayi pleaded again, baffling Yaya. The duck looked at the finished jelly his group made and sighed.

[Yes, yes, I'm going back now, quack. Did you think about the punishment, quack? I didn't hear you speaking at all…]

'I thought Jia was tired and accidentally fell asleep, so I resumed making the jelly and didn't go back. Is that not the case?'

Once the duck mentioned the word punishment, Lai Jiayi's body froze on the spot. The girl could feel the cold sensation of the ice pack just spread throughout her body.

'Shit. I forgot about that penalty!!'

Lai Jiayi wanted to hit her head and die.

'This isn't the time to be worried about my phobia, ah!!'

The girl thought that her chaotic heartbeat before and the suffocating feeling she felt was because of her phobia even though she didn't feel nausea at all.

[I...haven't thought of anything.] Lai Jiayi spoke in a small voice.


[Eh...you haven't, quack?? But I think Zhao Yang and Zhao Yun will go back once we go upstairs, quack!!] Yaya almost dropped the plate of jelly in his hand.

'There's no reason for them to stay anymore!!'

Right now, the duck was on his way to go back to the room, followed by Zhao Yun and Tianjin.

[Oh, sh*t!! What to do?? Stop them from leaving!!] Lai Jiayi couldn't think straight. The fever just killed her brain cells.

[How do we stop them, quack?? If only you have a reasonable excuse, quack– ]

[I don't!!] Lai Jiayi yelled. Her voice sounded desperate.

'I haven't even thought about how to drug that guy without him knowing. How could I think of a way to stop these two from leaving??'

...I'm done for.

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